Page 15 - AfrOil Week 02 2022
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exploring Namibia’s offshore basins; Exxon- and cashflow from these fields in the coming Reprocessing to enhance imaging of targets
Mobil, currently exploring the frontier Namibe months and I look forward to updating the mar- will improve the illumination of complex struc-
Basin in partnership with National Petroleum ket further as the campaign progresses.’ tures associated with the diapiric movement of
Corp. of Namibia (NAMCOR); Qatar Petroleum SDX Energy, January 6 2022 the Akata Shale Formation.
and Shell, which have exploration campaigns in PGS, January 6 2022
Block 2913A and 2914B; Africa Oil Corp. and PGS starts MegaSurveyPlus
TotalEnergies, currently operating the Venus Contract extension
exploration well; and Reconnaissance Energy reprocessing of data from
Africa (ReconAfrica). Namibia continues to for Abo FPSO
show leadership in developing a massive Green Niger Delta region
Hydrogen project, which could produce 300,000 BW Offshore has signed an extension agreement
tonnes of green hydrogen a year for regional and PGS has added 10,700 square km of 3D Mul- for Abo FPSO with Nigerian Agip Exploration
global markets. tiClient data to its data library coverage of the Ltd, a subsidiary of Eni until end Q4-2022.
African Energy Chamber, January 11 2022 Niger Delta, kick-starting a major reprocessing About BW Offshore: BW Offshore engineers
project. This will be the cornerstone of a new innovative floating production solutions. The
regional-scale MegaSurveyPlus dataset for Nige- Company has a fleet of 14 FPSOs with poten-
PROJECTS & COMPANIES ria. Final data will be ready Q4-2022. tial and ambition to grow. By leveraging four
Building on the MegaSurveyPlus concept will decades of offshore operations and project exe-
SDX Energy commences oil revitalize PGS’ Nigeria MultiClient data library cution, the Company creates tailored offshore
through reprocessing of 3D seismic data from energy solutions for evolving markets world-
production at MSD-21 well, field tapes, explains Joshua May, Business Devel- wide. BW Offshore has around 2,000 employees
and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
opment Manager for Africa at PGS.
West Gharib concession including optimized denoising algorithms and BW Offshore, January 6 2022
“Modern processing and imaging techniques,
AIM-listed SDX Energy, the MENA-focused a full deghosting sequence, will improve data Nortrans Offshore
energy company, has announced the com- bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio, and the
mencement of oil production at the MSD-21 application of a multiple attenuation process will announces flotel contract
infill development well on the Meseda field in enable enhanced image integrity by eliminating
its West Gharib concession, Egypt (SDX: 50% complex multiples,’” he adds. for Coral FLNG hook-up and
working interest). MSD-21, which encountered The addition of 10 700 square km of MegaS-
the primary top Asl Formation reservoir at urveyPlus reprocessed 3D will give an expanded commissioning
4,040 feet MD (3,251 feet TVDSS) and reached and consistent regional geological perspective.
4,740 feet TD, after drilling through 62.3 feet of The resulting full-stack PSTM data can be used Nortrans are pleased to announce its new flotel
good-quality, net oil pay sandstone with an aver- for regional interpretation, to enable a greater contract with Technip Energies for their Coral
age porosity of 21.3%. The well has now been understanding of plays and migration pathways FLNG hook up and commissioning project in
successfully perforated, tied-in to the existing across open acreage offshore Nigeria. Pre-stack Mozambique. This contract has a potential total
facilities, and flow tested. It is expected that, PSTM products allow a thorough AVO analysis period of up to 200 days including options and
post-clean up, the well will achieve a stabilised to be undertaken. will commence in Feb. 2022.
gross production rate of circa 300 bpd, which is The Nigeria MegaSurveyPlus covers two Nortrans will deploy our DP3 500 pax flotel,
in line with pre-drill estimates. main structural provinces directly linked to the CSS Temis, for this esteemed high profile project
MSD-21 is the first well in a fully-funded, gravity-driven movement of the Akata Shale and we will be accommodating up to 400 client
12-well development campaign at the Meseda Formation. The eastern part of the dataset is in personnel onboard on a daily base during the
and Rabul oil fields in the West Gharib conces- the transitional detachment fold zone and con- project period.
sion, Egyptian Eastern Desert. The development tains subtle faulting along with low wavelength Our company’s strict COVID procedures are
drilling campaign is aiming to grow gross pro- folding of Eocene to Quaternary stratigraphy. in place to protect our crew and client person-
duction from current rates of circa 2,100-3,500 The western part, situated in the outer fold and nel to keep a safe and COVID-free environment
or -4,000 bpd by early 2023. thrust belt, is dominated by closely spaced thrust onboard at all time.
The rig is now in the process of moving to the faults. Nortrans Offshore, January 6 2022
next well in the campaign, MSD-25, which is The Niger Delta Basin formed during the Late
expected to spud by mid-January. Cretaceous and contains up to 12 km of Late
Mark Reid, CEO of SDX, commented: “We Cretaceous to Quaternary aged clastics depos-
are pleased to get MSD-21 successfully perfo- ited in an upward-coarsening regressive deltaic
rated and connected to our infrastructure. The sequence. The main source rocks are Akata For-
well is now producing and, when it has fully mation marine shales and Lower Agbada For-
cleaned-up, we expect it to contribute circa 300 mation paralic shales. Proven reservoirs in the
bpd of gross oil production. This campaign pro- basin are found in unconsolidated sandstones
vides a low-cost, highly beneficial exposure to of the Agbada Formation deposited as stacked
the oil price and with a netback of $35 per barrel turbidite channel and fan complexes. The largest
at $68 per barrel Brent in the first nine months of accumulations are trapped in roll-over anticlines
2021, West Gharib is a very high margin asset in in the hanging walls of growth faults, however,
our portfolio. MSD-21 and subsequent wells are hydrocarbons may also be found in fault closures
expected to significantly boost the production and subtle stratigraphic traps.
Week 02 12•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15