Page 16 - AsianOil Week 35
P. 16

AsianOil                                            NRG                                              AsianOil

                         inspections of the nearby Cameron LNG termi-
                         nal. These initial assessments indicated that the
                         facility had sustained “minimal flooding and no
                         catastrophic wind damage”, Sempra said.
                           No date for a restart of Cameron LNG has been
                         provided, though the company said full operations
                         would be restored “as soon as safely practicable”.
                           Despite the disruptions caused by Hurricane
                         Laura, US LNG exports are gathering steam after
                         a significant slowdown over the summer. In a
                         different part of the US – in Georgia – Kinder
                         Morgan was reported to be loading its first cargo
                         in seven months from the Elba Island LNG
                           The Maran Gas Hector LNG tanker
                         arrived at the facility last week, in a boost to   Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass LNG facility.
                         Kinder Morgan after a lull in exports from
                         Elba Island amid a downturn in demand.   In Colombia, the head of a local industry
                         The company also brought its tenth – and  group has said that the country’s hydrocarbon
                         final – small-scale liquefaction train online  sector may be able to attract hundreds of millions
                         at the terminal last week.           of dollars from private companies before the end
                           With Elba Island fully online, the first wave  of 2020. According to Francisco José Lloreda, the
                         of US LNG export capacity construction is now  president of the Colombian Petroleum Associa-
                         complete. A second wave is under way, also pri-  tion (ACP), private investors are willing to make
                         marily on the Gulf Coast. Indeed, the two pro-  about $715mn available for the development of
                         jects under construction currently – Venture  oil and gas projects. This funding could play a
                         Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG and ExxonMobil  crucial role in the revival of the hydrocarbon sec-
                         and Qatar Petroleum’s (QP) Golden Pass LNG  tor and help jump-start the country’s economy,
                         both had to provide updates in the wake of Hur-  Lloreda said last week.
                         ricane Laura passing through the area. Neither
                         site is reported to have been significantly affected   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         by the storm.                        the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                                                              here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the global LNG sector then please click here for   Drilling, discoveries and deals in the Mid-
                         NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.             dle East
                                                              Iran announced this week that local firm Pet-
                         Latin America: Investors play up potential  ropars would soon begin drilling at South
                         Investors in several South American countries  Pars Phase 11, the project that was awarded to
                         are eager to push ahead with new projects.  French super-major Total and China’s CNPC
                           In Guyana, ExxonMobil is pressing the  under an integrated petroleum contract (IPC).
                         administration of Irfaan Ali, the country’s  The partners withdrew from the project in
                         new president, to give a green light to plans  August 2018 and October 2019 respectively,
                         for the development of another section of  leaving Petropars to go it alone. With Iran
                         the Stabroek block. The government had said  determined to press ahead with projects to
                         previously that it expected to finish a review  raise oil and gas production capacity, drilling
                         of the US super-major’s field development  is now set to begin by the end of the autumn
                         plan (FDP) for the Payara project in time to  at SP11, with gas expected to reach onshore
                         approve it before the end of August. Last week,  facilities in the next 12 months.
                         though, Natural Resources Minister Vikram   On the other side of the Gulf, Saudi Ara-
                         Bharrat said the deadline was being pushed  mco has reported the discovery of two new
                         back by a few days.                  oil and gas fields in the north-east of the
                           In Brazil, plans for leasing out the Bahia  country. Though they are comparatively
                         LNG terminal have drawn strong interest  miniscule  by  Saudi  standards,  the  finds
                         from Golar LNG. The head of the Bermu-  offer a ‘good news’ story for Aramco during
                         da-based company, which has already been  what has so far been an incredibly challeng-
                         authorised by the national oil company  ing year. The company will now carry out
                         (NOC) Petrobras to participate in the bid-  further appraisal work to establish reserve
                         ding contest for the lease, stated last week  levels and development plans.
                         that his company was eager to work in Brazil   Following the announcement of a handful
                         as the country’s natural gas industry opened  of deals between US firms and the Iraq govern-
                         up to outside investors.             ment last week, Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG)

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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