Page 17 - AsianOil Week 35
P. 17

AsianOil                                           NRG                                              AsianOil

                         has been provided with details about Baghdad’s   Equinor will also not drill any new
                         plans for the Thi Qar project under discussion  unconventional wells in the US this year,
                         with Chevron.                        according to the spokesman. The company
                                                              has acreage in the Marcellus and Bakken
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   formations. It is one of numerous producers
                         the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click   scaling back its shale operations in response
                         here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.    to the downturn.
                                                                Separately, leading independent US shale
                         Job cuts hit North America’s oil industry  players Pioneer Natural Resources and Parsley
                         Further job cuts have been reported in recent  Energy were reported to be planning to cut staff
                         days to be looming for oil and gas producers with  numbers in the coming days.
                         operations in North America.           On top of the ongoing challenges related to the
                           This comes as producers on the continent con-  industry downturn, energy sector players in the US
                         tinue to struggle to bounce back from the severe  Gulf of Mexico and on the Gulf Coast have had to
                         industry downturn that began in March and  contend with disruption – and in some cases dam-
                         was compounded by the spread of coronavirus  age – caused by Hurricane Laura last week.
                         (COVID-19). Demand is picking up and crude   Over the last few days, operations were being
                         prices have stabilised recently, but they remain  restored across oil platforms in the Gulf, refin-
                         unfavourably low, and market conditions are still  eries and LNG export terminals, among other
                         relatively challenging for producers.  facilities. On August 31, it was reported that a US
                           Over the past week, it emerged that Norway’s  Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) site in Louisi-
                         Equinor is set to cut jobs “significantly” in the US  ana, West Hackberry, had sustained “considera-
                         and Canada – as well as in the UK. An Equinor  ble damage” as a result of the storm.
                         spokesman told Reuters that employee numbers
                         in these countries would be cut by around 20%,   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         while contractor numbers would be reduced by   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         around 50%.                          here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor.™

       Platform at Iran’s South Pars gas field.

       Week 35   03•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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