Page 18 - AsianOil Week 35
P. 18

AsianOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

       SOUTH ASIA                             Presently the entire Needle Coke   continuity without compromising on health and
                                           requirement of the country (80 -100 KTPA)   safety of its employees and contractors.
       Cairn Oil & Gas celebrates          is met through imports. Production of Needle   use of technology and communications tools
                                                                                  This was made possible through the effective
                                           Coke at Paradip Refinery will reduce import
       Mangala oilfield milestone          dependency and would contribute to the   with effective teamwork by staff, especially those
                                                                                directly responsible to provide relevant services,
                                           vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat.
       India’s largest private oil and gas exploration   Needle coke is a substitute for natural   including Medical Services, Quality, Health,
       and production company, Cairn Oil & Gas,   graphite and offers higher quality consistency.   Safety and Environment, Administration,
       Vedanta Limited, completes 11 years of   With these technological advancements, Needle   Human Resources, Information Technology and
       Mangala oil field operations on 29th August   Coke is now used to make the carbon anode of   Procurement functions.
       2020. The ‘first oil’ from Mangala field,   Lithium-ion Batteries. As Electric Vehicle (EV)   PPL, September 2, 2020
       India’s largest oil find in the last 30 years, was   transportation is emerging as a viable option, the
       discovered on August 29, 2009. The company’s  production of Needle Coke (Anode for Li-ion
       gross proved, and probable reserves and   battery) would add to the quest for self-reliance   SOUTHEAST ASIA
       resources base is 1.2 billion barrels of oil   in India. This Project can also be replicated,
       equivalent as on March 31, 2020.    at other Indian Refineries that process low-  Pertamina completes Phase
         Cairn’s operations at the Rajasthan block   sulphur-feed in FCCU/RFCCU/INDMAX type
       holds significant national importance. The block   of units as a GRM improvement initiative.  4 drilling in Algeria block
       has contributed a cumulative $18.0 billion to   INDIANOIL, September 1, 2020
       the nation and state exchequers. The application                         The MLN Phase-4 project is Pertamina’s first
       of worldclass technology and digitalisation   PPL ensures business       overseas development project in the MLN
       has helped maintain business continuity and                              field (Menzel Ledjmet Nord) Block 405A
       safe operations, even during the COVID-19   continuity despite COVID-19   Algeria undertaken by Pertamina Algeria
       pandemic                                                                 EP, a subsidiary of Pertamina International
       CAIRN OIL & GAS, VEDANTA, August 28, 2020  crisis                        EP (PIEP). This Phase-4 project was carried
                                                                                out with the aim of maximizing the potential
       IndianOil to Invest in              Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, when most   of the MLN Algeria field where currently
                                                                                the Project has completed a workover of
                                           businesses in Pakistan suffered due to halt
       Paradip needle coker unit           in operations, Pakistan Petroleum Limited   15 wells and drilled 12 wells from the last
                                                                                well drilling, namely MLC-9P which was
                                           (PPL), achieved a milestone with nearly zero
       The IndianOil board has cleared the Stage-1   decline in production from operated assets   completed on March 17, 2020 and is planned
       approval to install a Grassroot Needle Coker   to provide much-needed energy supplies   to reach its peak. production in 2021. With
       Unit at Paradip Refinery using IndianOil   for the nation. This was highly appreciated   the completion of the 12th well (MLC-9P),
       R&D’s in-house technology. The proposed   by industry partners and stakeholders. As   the entire scope of MLN Phase-4 development
       unit will have a Calcined Needle Coke   such, the support from Board of Directors   and workover drilling has been completed
       (CNC) production capacity of 56 KTPA. The   and Ministry for measures adopted by PPL   and marked with Ceremonial Drilling
       estimated project cost is Rs. 1268 Crores.  enabled the company to perform optimally   Accomplishment by PIEP management.
         With the production of CNC, IndianOil   during this difficult time.      On this occasion, it was conveyed that this
       shall enter this niche product segment for the   Despite a series of challenges posed by the   activity was a big milestone for Pertamina where
       first time. CNC is used to produce Graphite   pandemic, including 170 employees affected   this was the first drilling operation carried out
       Electrodes for deployment in the high   by COVID-19, most of whom have recovered   by Pertamina at an overseas as a field operator.
       temperature (2800 degrees Centigrade) electric   now, besides 6 active cases, the company   The drilling team, which consists of PIEP Jakarta
       arc furnaces of Steel Industry.     showed exemplary resilience to ensure business   Head Office staff, who directly operates the
                                                                                drilling and workover activities, has succeeded
                                                                                in making efficiency and synergy within the
                                                                                Pertamina Group.
                                                                                  The success of this achievement is supported
                                                                                by cost efficiency and drilling time from the
                                                                                AFE (Authorized Financial Expenditure) target
                                                                                of USD 14 million / per well for 55 days per
                                                                                well, PIEP as the holder of field management
                                                                                authority, is able to perform efficiency 8.5-10
                                                                                million per well for 35-45 days per well. well.
                                                                                So the total savings for workover and drilling
                                                                                efficiency are estimated at ~ $ 100 million.
                                                                                  In addition, PIEP has also succeeded in
                                                                                implementing synergy by using SF-05 as the
                                                                                basic material for drilling fluid for the 10th well
                                                                                (MLNW-12) and the 12th well (MLC-9). These
                                                                                two wells use SF-05 and have succeeded in
                                                                                providing better drilling performance and of course
                                                                                providing better environmental impact as well.
                                                                                PERTAMINA, August 29, 2020

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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