Page 20 - AsianOil Week 35
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AsianOil NEWS IN BRIEF AsianOil
as the satisfaction of the requirements of host ExxonMobil Australia From September, Warrego’s Board will
governments in the countries in which the assets consist of four directors: two executive directors,
are held. commences voluntary Group CEO Dennis Donald and CEO Australia
(e) Given that no binding offer was ultimately David Biggs, and two independent directors,
reached with AIH and the general complexity redundancy program Greg Columbus (Chairman) and Mark Routh.
of such transactions, the company is of the view In addition, John Newman, Warrego’s
that no “potential lifeline” was passed up and ExxonMobil Australia has commenced Perth-based General Counsel, has
that the headline of the BT Article is potentially a voluntary redundancy program for its been appointed to the role of Company
inaccurate in the circumstances. Australian employees. Secretary effective 1 September 2020. He
Furthermore, KrisEnergy wishes to clarify The program follows an extensive review of will replace Ian Kirkham who is handing
that its response to BT’s enquiry as stated in the the company’s current and future project work. over the role after eight years with
BT Article was provided on other matters and Employees who elect to take part in the Warrego and Petrel Energy.
not the matters contained in the published BT voluntary program will be asked to offer WARREGO ENERGY, August 31, 2020
Article. expressions of interest through September. The
KRISENERGY, August 31, 2020 program is being offered to all employees in NZOG applies for foreign
Melbourne, Gippsland, Sydney, Adelaide and
Perth. exempt listing on ASX
OCEANIA Employees who participate in the program
will be provided with company support, New Zealand Oil & Gas is pleased to
Chevron sues Ampol including outplacement services. announce that it intends to seek listing for
This program will ensure the company
New Zealand Oil & Gas Limited on the
over trade mark licence manages through these unprecedented market ASX as a foreign exempt entity. A listing
application has been lodged with the ASX
breaches EXXONMOBIL AUSTRALIA, September 2, 2020 this afternoon. Once approved, the Company
will again be listed on the ASX (this time as
Ampol advises that it has received notice of Warrego rebalances board a foreign exempt entity) as well as remaining
proceedings issued by Chevron in the Federal listed on the NZX.
Court of Australia alleging breaches of the Following the appointment of David Biggs to Andrew Jefferies, Managing Director says:
trade mark licence agreement (the TMLA) the position of Executive Director and CEO “As Shareholders are aware, the Company
pursuant to which Ampol is licensed to use Australia (announced on 3 August 2020), the strategy has been reviewed and refreshed,
the ‘Caltex’ and associated trade marks in the Warrego Board has consisted of a majority of following the outcome of a vote on the
course of its business and infringement of executive directors and has looked to restore Company’s future during the last financial year.
those trade marks. balance as a priority. Consequently, we believe the Company will
The proceedings allege that these breaches In consideration of this objective, Owain benefit from access to the ASX, where interest in
and infringements have occurred due to the use Franks, a member of the Warrego Board since upstream oil and gas is stronger and the market
of non-compliant signage at 177 Ampol sites (of 2011, has elected to step down as an Executive tends to value exploration and production
our ~800 controlled retail sites which form part Director of the Company effective from 1 realistically. We have begun the process of
of our ~2000 branded site network) together September 2020. Owain will remain as a senior re-listing on the ASX and we expect to begin
with an unspecified number of third party sites executive in the role of Chief Financial Officer trading there before the end of calendar 2020.”
operating under a sub-licence from Ampol. responsible for finance, strategy and delivery. NZOG, August 31, 2020v
The proceedings seek an injunction requiring
the removal or rectification of the signage and
As previously announced to the market,
Chevron issued a termination notice in respect
of the TMLA in December 2019 and Ampol has
a work out period until 31 December 2022 to
transition the full retail network to the company-
owned ‘Ampol’ brand.
The proceedings do not affect the work out
period or Ampol’s transition to the ‘Ampol’
brand during this time frame. With the roll out
of our two pilot sites in August and further sites
planned for the remainder of 2020, Ampol’s
transition plans are on target. Ampol and
Chevron have been in discussion for some time
in an effort to resolve Chevron’s complaints.
Ampol does not consider these matters to be
a significant part of either party’s business in
the context of its transition plans. Ampol is
confident of its position and intends to defend
the claim accordingly.
AMPOL, September 1, 2020
P20 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 35 03•September•2020