Page 13 - AsianOil Week 32
P. 13

AsianOil                                           NRG                                              AsianOil

                         Europe: UK offshore decarbonisation  well as a storage site for its pipes.
                         The UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) can deliver   Both the German government and the Euro-
                         60% of the necessary emissions cuts for the  pean Commission are considering steps to pro-
                         country to meet its net-zero target, according  tect EU businesses from potential US punitive
                         to a new report by the Oil and Gas Authority  action. This means any sanctions may prove inef-
                         (OGA).                               fectual, serving only to sour US-European ties.
                           Integrating oil and gas production with
                         renewable energy, carbon, capture and storage   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   Meanwhile, the
                         (CCS) and hydrogen could achieve 30% of the   Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         emissions cuts required by 2050, while the use   NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor.  US is ramping
                         of offshore wind, wave and tidal projects could                            up pressure on
                         contribute a further 30%, according to the OGA.  FSU: Russian tax tweaks
                           Among its key findings, the report estimates  Russia trialled a new profit-based tax system at cer-  Germany to shift
                         that UKCS reservoirs could store up to 78 giga-  tain oilfields last year, in a bid to encourage invest-
                         tonnes of CO2, which sufficient for hundreds  ment in extra recovery. The pilot scheme is part of   its position on
                         of years of the UK’s CCS needs. Meanwhile  efforts to reform the Russian oil industry’s complex
                         blue hydrogen, produced from natural gas but  and problematic tax regime, and advocates want it   the Nord Stream
                         with CO2 from the process being captured and  to be applied nationwide within a decade.  2 pipeline.
                         stored, has the potential to decarbonise 30% of   The only problem is that Russia’s finance
                         UK gas consumption within three decades.  ministry (MinFin) says this experiment has cost
                           The OGA has called for greater regulatory  the budget some $2.9bn. The ministry has filed
                         co-ordination and support, in order to ensure  a bill seeking to make significant changes to the
                         that pioneering projects in these fields are a  system, in order to claw back some of these lost
                         success.                             revenues.
                           Meanwhile, the US is ramping up pressure on   Unsurprisingly, the proposed changes are
                         Germany to shift its position on the Nord Stream  strongly opposed by oil producers that have
                         2 pipeline, but Berlin shows no sign of dropping  benefitted from the profit-based system. If the
                         its support for the Russian project. Several US  ministry gets its way, these companies would
                         Senators wrote a letter to the operator of Germa-  take a significant hit to core earnings over the
                         ny’s Mukran port this week, threatening “crush-  next few years.
                         ing legal and economic sanctions” if it helps   The ministry is unlikely to get everything it
                         Russian vessels complete the pipeline. Mukran  is asking for, given the pilot scheme’s popularity
                         has served as a logistic and service centre for ves-  among Russia’s powerful oil lobby. On the other
                         sels working on Nord Stream 2 over the years, as  hand, some tweaks will have to be made given

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