Page 14 - AsianOil Week 32
P. 14

AsianOil                                            NRG                                              AsianOil

                         the huge budgetary shortfall that the country is   Last week, the independent oil and gas
                         facing. The Kremlin will likely have to wade into  firm revealed that it was looking to tender an
                         the dispute and thrash out a compromise.  exchange of $300mn worth of senior unse-
                           In other news, Lukoil has reported a sharp  cured bonds due to mature in 2021 for securi-
                         decline in oil and gas production in the first half  ties that will be repaid in 2025. The move led
                         of the year. This is not only due to OPEC+ cuts  Fitch Ratings to downgrade CGC; the agency
                         that came into force in April, but also a steep  explained its decision by saying that the com-
                         drop in its Uzbek gas sales to China.  pany appeared to be taking this step in the
                           Chinese gas demand has continued to grow  hope of avoiding a default on its 2021 notes.
                         this year, in spite of COVID-19 lockdown  In other news, Russia and Argentina are mov-
                         measures, but at a much slower pace. Chinese  ing forward with plans for joint production
                         companies have prioritised purchases while  of steel pipes for oil and gas projects. Ricardo
                         cutting imports, including from Uzbekistan,  Lagorio, Argentina’s ambassador to Moscow,
                         where Lukoil operates the Southwest Gissar and  told Sputnik earlier this week that Tenaris, an
                         Kandym projects.                     international company founded in Argentina,
                           Turkmen state media have reported progress  and Russia’s Severstal were working together
                         at several refining projects being undertaken by  to build a new welded pipe plant in Western
                         the country’s favoured contractor, US-registered  Siberia. The facility is due to begin production
                         Westport Trading Europe. But Turkmenistan’s  next year and will reach full capacity in 2024,
                         strict control over information flow makes it dif-  Lagorio said.
                         ficult to determine just how much work is taking   Elsewhere in Latin America, Mexico’s
                         place on the ground. After all, despite numerous  national electricity provider CFE is under fire
                         reports of progress over the years, the country’s  for burning residual fuel oil at a plant near the
                         throughput capacity does not appear to have  capital that contravened regulations pertaining
                         changed in five years.               to maximum sulphur content. Shortly after a
                                                              Reuters report brought the utility’s violations to
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   light, a Mexican Nobel Prize winner called for
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please  a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil in power gen-
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor.  eration. Residual fuel oil is plentiful in Mexico,
                                                              as the country produces large amounts of heavy
                         Latin America: Argentina bond swap offer  crude oil.
                         In Argentina, Compañía General de Combusti-
                         bles (CGC) has joined YPF, the national oil com-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         pany (NOC), in the ranks of companies offering   the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                         a bond swap.                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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