Page 16 - AsianOil Week 32
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AsianOil NEWS IN BRIEF AsianOil
S O UTH ASIA had checked in the field. “At this time we do not KrisEnergy updates on
know where the oil spills came from. We make
GAIL reports Turnover of sure to mobilize all subsidiaries, namely PHE restructuring process
OSES and PHE ONWJ to conduct field checks. “
INR12,060 crore team is also based on the request of the Sub- KrisEnergy, an independent upstream oil
In addition to checking directly, the field
and gas company, refers to its announcement
GAIL (India) Limited recorded a Turnover Department of LH Kab. Kep. One thousand dated 14 August 2019 in respect of the
of Rs. 12,060 crore, Profit before Tax (PBT) have taken the scattered samples to then carry application filed in the High Court of the
of Rs. 356 crore and Profit after Tax (PAT) of out a finger print test to check the origin of the Republic of Singapore for a moratorium
Rs. 256 crore for the Q1 FY21 as against Rs. spilled oil. pursuant to section 211B of the Companies
18,276 crore, Rs. 1,981 crore and Rs. 1,288 The cleaning activity is divided into 3 Act (Cap. 50), and its announcements dated
crore respectively in Q1 FY20. areas, both central, western and eastern and 21 August 2019, 22 October 2019, 20 February
The sharp decline in financial performance is expected to be completed in about 3 days 2020 and 9 June 2020 in relation to non-
is mainly attributable to significant impact by sweeping Pari Island and Lancang Island. payment of certain financial obligations.
in physical performance due to nation-wide The role of PHE OSES in checking and As set out in the Announcements, given the
lockdown during the earlier part of the cleaning beaches from oil spills is a form financial condition of the Group, it is not feasible
quarter coupled with lower price realization of concern for the environment. The main for the Company to make all payment(s) of its
in Petrochemicals, Liquid Hydrocarbons and thing, we help to do the cleaning first so financial obligations as they fall due. As part
Natural Gas. that the beach is clean again. of the restructuring process, the Company is
During the quarter, Natural Gas The community suspects that the spills came working closely with its advisors to conserve all
Transmission and Marketing volume stood from the YYA-1 well, which last year had leaks. available cash to meet the KrisEnergy Group’s
at 90.22 MMSCMD and 81.16 MMSCMD It is confirmed that until now the YYA-1 well is funding requirements during the restructuring
as against 105.41 MMSCMD and 96.55 in a safe condition. period to protect the interests of all stakeholders
MMSCMD respectively in Q1 FY20, PERTAMINA, August 12, 2020 while a restructuring proposal is worked on. In
Petrochemical Sales and Liquid Hydrocarbon this connection, while the restructuring process
Sales stood at 183 TMT and 265 TMT as against MISC reports Q2 financial is ongoing, the Company has decided to cease
136 TMT and 296 TMT respectively during Q1 repayment on certain of its financial obligations.
FY20 . results Further to the Announcements, the
During the quarter, the consolidated group Company wishes to provide further updates that
turnover stood at Rs. 12,152 crore as against Rs. Group revenue and operating profit for the the following payments will not be made:
18,445 crore in Q1 FY20 while the groups PAT quarter and 6 months period ended 30 June (i) principal and interest payable under
stood at Rs. 654 crore as against Rs. 1,502 crore 2020 was higher than the corresponding the term facility agreements to each of The
in Q1 FY20. quarter and 6 months period ended 30 June Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Mr. Manoj Jain, CMD GAIL said that with 2019. Limited and Standard Chartered Bank,
gradual relaxation of lockdown and increase in The Group recorded a net loss for the Singapore Branch amounting to approximately
economic activities, the physical performance current 6 months period ended 30 June US$4,381,403.38 in aggregate which will be
of the company has picked up significantly 2020 mainly due to the provisions and due on 21 August 2020; and (ii) interest payable
in all segments and the company is presently impairment loss recorded in the first quarter under the S$200.0 million 4.0 per cent. senior
operating at near pre-lockdown levels. He of 2020 relating to the adverse decision on unsecured notes due 2023 amounting to
further added that though the Capex during the arbitration proceedings by Gumusut-Kakap S$4,119,200, which is due on 22 August 2020.
1st quarter was affected due to lockdown, GAIL Semi-Floating Production System (L) Limited KRISENERGY, August 11, 2020
expects to significantly improve Capex during (“GKL”) against Sabah Shell Petroleum
remaining quarters. Company Limited (“SSPC”). The Group
GAIL (INDIA), August 13, 2020 also recorded impairment loss on its Heavy OCEANIA
Engineering’s asset in the current quarter in
light of the current oil and gas downturn, APA appointment of chief
SOUTHEAST ASIA COVID-19 pandemic and the expected
prolonged recovery of the industry. financial officer
Group cash flow generated from operating
PHE OSES Helps Clean Up Oil activities for the period ended 30 June 2020 was APA Group is pleased to announce Adam
Watson has been appointed APA’s Chief
higher than the corresponding period ended 30
Spills on Pari Island June 2019. Financial Officer (CFO). Adam will
replace Peter Fredricson who is retiring, as
MISC’s President & Group Chief Executive
Responding to the spilled crude oil that Officer, Mr. Yee Yang Chien said, “We recorded announced in December 2019. Adam will join
appeared on the Seribu Islands Pari Island, a stable performance contributed largely by the APA around the middle of November 2020.
Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Southeast LNG and Petroleum segment for the second Adam Watson is currently the CFO for
Sumatra (PHE OSES), assisted in cleaning up quarter notwithstanding the global harsh blows Transurban Group and has held this role
beaches carried out by the Environment Sub- of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. since 2014. Prior to that role, he was CFO
dept. Seribu together with the people of Pari Despite the strenuous market environment, we for Australian Pacific Airports Corporation
Island, in coordination with the Thousand remained steadfast to our earnings resiliency (Melbourne Airport) for over two years and he
Islands KSOP. and will continue to pursue markets which are has also held senior financial roles in BlueScope
PHE VP Relations Ifki Sukarya said, based on pivotal to the built up of our sustainable income.” Steel, based in Melbourne, the US and China.
operational records, PHE OSES & PHE ONWJ MISC, August 13, 2020 APA, August 11, 2020
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 32 13•August•2020