Page 17 - AsianOil Week 32
P. 17

AsianOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

                                                                                late-life non-western flank oil fields in the
                                                                                Cooper Basin, with a lack of oil transportation
                                                                                infrastructure and materially lower near-term oil
                                                                                price assumptions disproportionately affecting
                                                                                these fields’ carrying values, notwithstanding
                                                                                their cashflow positive operations. The balance
                                                                                of the expected non-cash impairment charge
                                                                                largely relates to capitalised Cooper Basin
                                                                                exploration and obsolete oil field inventory.
                                                                                  In addition, following a comprehensive
                                                                                organisational review as a result of the
                                                                                COVID-19 pandemic and the changed
                                                                                economic outlook, Senex expects to book a
                                                                                restructuring cost provision of approximately
                                                                                $2.6 million in its FY20 full year results.
                                                                                The restructure is expected to be completed
                                                                                during Q1 FY21 and deliver material and
                                                                                ongoing cost savings and efficiencies across
                                                                                the business.
       Lytton refinery to restart          proceedings arising from the termination of   SENEX, August 12, 2020
                                           the PSC by the ANPM in 2015 and settle all
       during September                    claims and counterclaims between the parties.  State Gas updates on Reid’s
                                              The execution of the Deed sees an amicable
         Ampol advises that it intends to restart its   conclusion to the arbitration proceedings, as   Dome project
       Lytton refinery at the conclusion of its extended   announced in October 2018, where Oilex and its
       outage period. Ampol has made this decision   joint venture partners in the PSC were subject to   State Gas refers to its recent announcements1
       based on its assessment that refining will deliver   a penalty claim of US$17 million (plus interest)   in relation to its operations at the Reid’s Dome
       better integrated supply chain and earnings   on a joint and several basis. Oilex is the Operator   Gas Project (PL 231) and provides this update
       alternatives than its product imports.  of the PSC on behalf of the joint venture.  of the production testing of the Nyanda-4 and
         As previously advised, this extended   Under the terms of the Deed, Oilex has   Serocold-1 coal seam gas wells and volumetric
       outage has been taken to conduct the planned   committed to a settlement of US$800,000   estimation of the Reid’s Dome Gas field.
       Turnaround and Inspection (T&I) maintenance   payable in the 2021 and 2022 financial years. The   In the south of PL 231, Nyanda-4 is currently
       activities and to manage the operational and   settlement was fully provided in the Company’s   flowing gas at rates exceeding 60 mscf/day, less
       financial impacts of COVID-19 on the refinery’s   annual financial statements to 30 June 2019.   than four weeks after initiating pumping. Water
       operations.                         In addition, the Company has entered into an   production is again very low, which augurs well
         The maintenance activities are due to be   unsecured loan facility agreement with two of its   for development economics. The Company is
       completed as planned at the end of August, with   joint venture partners which further provides the  preparing for production logging to determine
       the phased restart of the refinery units expected   Company with the option, at its sole discretion,   the contribution of the various coal intervals in
       throughout September. Ampol expects the   to extend the settlement payments into the 2023-  the well, once the gas flow rates have stabilised
       refinery to be able to produce at full production   24 financial year. Please see below for further   at a satisfactory level. This data will inform
       by the beginning of October and will continue   detail on the facility.  assessments of the Reserves and Resources in the
       to evaluate make versus buy decisions based on   OILEX, August 7, 2020   permit to be undertaken by Netherland Sewell &
       prevailing market conditions.                                            Associates. It will also assist future well drilling
         Ampol believes that market conditions for   Senex writes down Cooper   and completions as the field moves to early
       refining continue to be highly uncertain and                             development.
       Ampol will continue to review its refining   Basin oil assets              Located 6.2km north of Nyanda-4 within
       operations and provide routine updates of                                PL 231, Serocold-1 achieved constant gas flow
       its refining performance once operations   Senex Energy today announced it expects to   within one week of being placed on pump, a
       recommence.                         recognise a non-cash impairment charge of   remarkably early production of gas from the
       AMPOL, August 11, 2020              approximately $52 million1 in its FY20 full   accessible coal seams. This well will be produced
                                           year results to be released on 24 August 2020.  to determine the potential from the upper 54%
       Oilex terminates JPDA               respect of Senex’s Cooper Basin oil assets and   of the coals in this well. The remaining coal
                                              The non-cash impairment charge is in
                                                                                seams are situated below the level of the pump
       arbitration proceedings             is due to a material downward revision in oil   due to obstructions in the well. Those remaining
                                           price assumptions resulting from the effects of
                                                                                46% of seams below the level of the pump are
       Oilex Ltd, in its capacity as Operator, on   the COVID-19 pandemic on energy market   therefore unlikely to provide any benefit to gas
       behalf of the Joint Venture Participants in   fundamentals. Senex has reduced its long-term   flow rates during the current testing as the water
       Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA)   Brent oil price assumption to US$62.50/bbl   is drawn down to only the level of the pump
       06-103 Production Sharing Contract in East   from FY25 (real 1 July 2020) and is forecasting a   in Serocold-1. Future well completion will be
       Timor is pleased to announce it has executed   slower recovery to these levels over the short to   designed to avoid such issues. As with Nyanda-4,
       a Deed of Settlement and Release with the   medium-term (see table below).  water production is very low providing further
       Autoridade Nacional Do Petroleo E Minerais   Approximately two thirds of the expected   positive signs for economics.
       (ANPM) to terminate the ongoing arbitration   non-cash impairment charge relate to small,   STATE GAS, August 12, 2020

       Week 32   13•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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