Page 4 - The Standard - February 2019
P. 4

Centre News

           Sustainability has become a major factor for businesses over the
           past few years. Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the
           carbon footprint they are leaving.

           As Conal mentioned in the Manager’s   to set up  a healthy  workplace that
           meeting at the end of 2018, we have   makes a valid contribution to the
           started looking at how sustainable   environment and meets the needs
           our business practices are, and our   of future generations to make their
           contribution to the environment as   workplace better.
           a whole. We have been looking at
           a number of new initiatives for the   What is a sustainable business?
           year ahead. You may have questions   A sustainable business is one
           around what sustainability is, and how   that makes profit while improving
           you can help contribute to LEO’s work   environmental and general conditions.
           on being more sustainable.        This includes what we do (our product
                                             or service) as well as how we do it (the
           What is sustainability?           way we operate).
           Sustainability is all about maintaining
           a   balance  between   business
           practices and the effect that these        Top 5 key areas
           practices have on the environment.         addressed by
           For  example,  looking  at  the  amount     businesses
           of electricity that is used on a day to
           day basis, being aware of the amount          Energy
           of paper that is used during printing,        Waste
           or  working  with  suppliers  who are         Workplace
           environmentally aware.                        Transport
           The whole point of sustainability is

           February 2019
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