Page 5 - The Standard - February 2019
P. 5

How will being sustainable benefit
           There are many ways in which
           being  more  sustainable  will
            help LEO;
           Become more efficient with
           energy and resources.

           Improve our brand value and
           reputation. With sustainability
           becoming a major factor for com-  Where  can YOU  make the  biggest impact?
           panies, they will be more inclined
           to use a sustainable business.   By  looking  at  your  day  to  day
                                          activities and seeing where you can
           Provide   a   platform   for   improve the impact  this has  on  the
           innovation both from  our staff   environment. We have already had
                                          some excellent  suggestions from people
           and our clients.
                                          throughout the company. These include:
           Help  to  attract  and  retain  - Reducing the amount of printing. Central
           employees. Potential employ-   Team  have been set the objective of printing
           ees will also become more
           inclined  to  work  for  a  company   fewer than 100,000 sheets of paper during
           that  is  environmentally  friendly.   2019 – Can you match this in your building?
                                          - Using online calendars instead of
           Increase growth,  cuts costs
           and  strengthen stakeholder    printing them off (i.e LEO Calendar, Centre-
           relations.                     Vision Billing Calendar).
                                          -  Using recycled printing paper when
                                          any printing is necessary and using more
                                          environmentally friendly suppliers.

           February 2019
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