Page 3 - The Argyll Standard - December 2019
P. 3

The  club teams marked  the  celebration
               of International Women’s Day on 8th March
               with their members in various ways.  This
               ranged from afternoon tea and doughnuts in
               the lounge at 288 Bishopsgate, to delivering      DOMINANCE
               small celebratory gift bags at 148 Leadenhall   The D is looking for: RESULTS     INFLUENCE
               Street. Some members even went out of   Quick Observations: Faster paced, task-oriented  The I is looking for: INTERACTION
               their way to reward the women at 45 Pont   Communication: Direct  Quick Observations: Faster paced,
               Street for their hard work, while male team   Overextension: Impatient  Communication: Indirect
               members reached out to their female team   Organization: Efficient, not neat.  Overextension: Disorganized
               members to treat and celebrate them.   Body Language:  Organization: Disorganized. A lot of piles.
                                             Stance - Forward leaning, hand in pocket
                                             Walks - Fast, always going somewhere
                                                               Body Language:
                                             big gestures      Stance - Feet spread, two hands in pockets
                                             Gestures - A lot of hand movement when talking,
                                                               into things
                                                               Walks - Weaves, people focused, may run
                                            Communication Clue: Doesn’t want others’
                                            opinions, only facts  Gestures - A lot of big gestures and facial
                                                               expressions when talking
                                               STEADINESS      Communication Clue: Talks with hands

                                            The S is looking for: STABILITY  COMPLIANCE
                                                              The C is looking for: FACTS
                                            Quick Observations: Slower paced,
                                           Communication: Indirect  Quick Observations: Slower paced, task-oriented
                                                              Communication: Direct
                                           Overextension: Possessiveness
                                                              Overextension: Critical
                                           sloppy side.       Organization: Everything in its place. Perfectly organized.
                                           Organization: Usually some type of system. A little on the
                                           Body Language:    Body Language:
                                                             Stance - Arms folded, one hand on chin
                                           Stance - Leaning back, hand in pocket
                                                             Walks - Straight line
                                          Walks - Steady, easy pace  Communication Clue: Asks detailed questions
                                          Gestures - Will gesture with hands
                                                             Gestures - Very reserved, little or no gestures
                                          Communication Clue: Has a “poker” face
                The GMs, DGMs and Sales Team attended the Clients for Life training over the summer.
               This saw them learn about the different behaviours within the DISC profile (Dominance,
               Influence, Steadiness, Compliance), and how each person has varying levels of each profile
               which can affect the various ways they undertake different tasks. The teams then used
               this information to work out which personality types their members were high or low in to
               establish how this would influence the different conversations they would have with them.
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