Page 2 - The Standard - April 2019
P. 2

Welcome to

               The Standard.

               Your monthly

               business update.

               I’m pleased to report that the   who directly interact with clients.
               financial performance as of the   I’m confident the course content will
               end of Q1 is in line with our revenue   benefit our operations managers,
               and EBITDA targets. I encourage   account  managers  and  sales
               everyone  to  keep  a  continued   team and create an even stronger
               focus on all revenue driving areas   culture of winning and retaining
               in order to maintain this financial   clients  across  the  business.
               performance  throughout  2019.
                                                We held an insightful question
               As you know, another key focus is   and answer session at the end of
               our relationships with our clients   our recent quarterly managers’
               and  ultimately,  client  retention.  In   meeting. Managers were invited to
               order to build on our performance in   submit questions to the exec team
               this area, I’m delighted to announce   ahead of the meeting; please find
               that we are working with a training   a summary of key questions and
               consultant, Victoria Evans, to roll   answers overleaf. These cover;
               out a new ‘Client for Life’ course.   corporate  strategy,  remuneration,
               The course content is specifically   IT, people  & training and  Brexit.
               designed for our business and will
               use the DISC personality profiling   I wish everyone an enjoyable long
               to enhance the skills of employees   Easter weekend.

               Jason Leek
               Chief Executive
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