Page 7 - The Standard - April 2019
P. 7
Centre News
Customer Journey
Our focus for 2019 within Operations We want to recognise this so that there
is on the customer, and the experience is a smooth transition for the client all
they have throughout their time with LEO. the way, and there are open channels of
This is being referred to as the Customer communication between all parties that are
Journey, and is something that you will supporting the client needs, so that we are
hear mentioned quite a lot this year. delivering the very best service that we can.
What is the Customer Journey? How is the Customer Journey being mapped?
The experience of the customer has been A group of the GMs are currently looking
mapped out, from the time they start at the various touchpoints that the
looking at taking a serviced office, to their client has with LEO on their journey,
first interaction with business development and how these need to be enhanced.
team, all the way through to their initial
viewings, the signing of the agreement, Why is the Customer Journey being mapped?
and then their move in to the building. Our major focus for 2019 is on the client
Each interaction on this journey has been relationship and enhancing it so that we
taken into account and any causes for are maintaining our reputation and making
celebration or pain points that the client sure that we are being the very best
may encounter have been recognised. that we can be.
What are ‘pain points’? We want to have an understanding of the
Pain points are parts of the journey where client’s experience with us, and whether
they may encounter bumps in the road – for there are any areas that we are not
example, if the client does not understand aware of that can be looked at from our
the compliance requirements, or if the office perspective and improved if necessary.
is not ready for them when they move in.
April 2019