Page 12 - The Standard - April 2019
P. 12
“Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of
global scale. Our greatest threat in thousands of
years. Climate change.” David Attenborough
I am sure many of you know Sir David Attenborough and have
seen his documentaries showcasing our wonderful planet earth,
but sadly aslo showing the devastating results of our actions
which lead to our seas being polluted, the ice sheets melting and
animals being pushed to extinction. So what are we at LEO already
doing and looking to do in order to improve our impact on the
LEO central team has been targeted to use fewer than
100,000 pieces of paper this year and we also encourage
everyone to think before they print and always ensure
printing is done double sided and in black and white unless it
relates to client printing. Some centres have communal bins
which means that we can recycle more efficiently. We will roll
out communal bins across the portfolio over the next year
or so. This year we are concentrating on improving recycling
in communal areas, including the signage on the bins and we
will be in touch once we have further information, so you can
communicate the news to your clients. We are also working
closely with Carbon 2018 in relation to getting our up-to-date
The Property EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates) we will then work
team vehicle is on any improvements necessary to get the rating to be E or
now fully electric We also discussed sustainability in the last General Managers’
rather than meeting and we are happy to announce our Sustainability
V6 vehicle. Champions are the Deputy General Manager of your building.
However we are always happy to hear any ideas you might
have in any area of sustainability, so please send them to
April 2019