Page 5 - The Standard - July 2019
P. 5

What could a person whose Dominance is High bring to the team? Bottom-line
        organisation, challenge oriented, forward-looking, initiates activity, pioneering

        How could a person who is High in Dominance act under stress? They could
        be argumentative, they could place demands on their team, they could be
        opinionated, they may have a tendency to be aggressive, they may be more

        What could limit a person who is High in Dominance? Reliance on position/status,
        a high set of standards, a lack of tact and diplomacy, they could take on too
        much at too quick a pace

        When communicating with person High in Dominance, you could:  Give them
        the bottom line, be brief, focus your discussion narrowly, avoid making
        generalisations,  avoid  repeating  yourself,  focus  on  solutions  rather  than
        When communicating with a person Low in Dominance, you could:  Be personal
        and friendly, express your interest in them and what you expect from them, take
        time to provide clarification, be polite, avoid being confrontational, aggressive
        or rude

         As stated, every person has elements of Dominance within them, whether they be High
         or Low, and they may need to expend more energy when they need to adapt their
         If you recognise some of these attributes in your colleagues, we have given some tips
         on how to best communicate with them and what environment they will best thrive in.
         We hope you have found this useful and provided you with some further insight. Next
         month we will look at Influence – how you handle people and influence others

        July 2019
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