Page 2 - The Standard - March 2019
P. 2

Welcome to

       The Standard.

       Your monthly

       business update.

        Appraisals                           Brexit
        The  appraisal  process  is  now  concluding,   With a decision yet to be reached as to
        thank you to everyone involved in wrapping   the UK’s fate within the European
        the procedure up. The appraisal process is   Union (EU), I wanted to take the
        key to set clear goals and objectives for   opportunity  to  reassure  that  we
        the year ahead that are aligned with the   will  monitor  developments  in  order
        organisation. The recent launch of the LEO   to  provide  help  and  support  where
        2019 Bonus Plan is designed to grant all   appropriate, and alleviate any concerns.
        employees the opportunity to share in the   LEO benefits enormously from many
        success of LEO with clear targets for what   EU citizens working within our business.
        needs to be achieved.                Whilst there is continued uncertainty
                                             around the political process,  it looks
        Feedback                             highly  likely  EU   citizens  will
        I would like to highlight some fantastic   have  the  right  to  stay  in  the  UK
        feedback  that  has  been  received  by   long-term whatever the outcome.
        clients at numerous centres. This has
        been circulated by the customer services   Team event
        team. The feedback demonstrates best   Finally,  please  keep  the  evening
        in class levels of customer service, which   of Thursday 2  May free for a team
        will ultimately deliver higher levels of client   get together, drinks and nibbles at
        retention, a key aim of 2019.        Nova North.

        Jason Leek
        Chief Executive
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