Page 4 - The Standard - March 2019
P. 4
Centre News
There were lots of things to celebrate throughout February and the
beginning of March within our centres.
Chinese New Year arrived on February 5 , A departing client at Octagon Point bought
and Mariola Kolaczkiewicz, GM at 78 Pall the team some lovely doughnuts to
Mall, treated all of the residential clients to thank them for all of their hard work since
fortune cookies to commemorate the event. they moved into the building in 2015.
This went down extremely well, with lots
of positive feedback, and some of the With International Women’s Day arriving
nearby centres got to have the leftovers! on 8 March, several buildings marked
the event by holding celebrations
The staff at Central Court were spoiled with their clients. These ranged from
with Valentine’s Day cupcakes by one afternoon tea and doughnuts in the lounge
of their clients, which was a surprise at 288 Bishopsgate to small celebratory
to them. The cupcakes looked great gift bags at 148 Leadenhall Street.
and the team certainly enjoyed them!
Some clients even went out of their
way to buy flowers and chocolates
Congratulations to
Eleonora Di Blasi, CRS for the ladies in the buildings at
at 1 King William Street, 45 Pont Street and 65 Sloane
who gave birth to a Street. At South Terrace, CRS Fred
baby girl named Mia on Dacanay treated all of his female
7 March at 8:16pm. colleagues to flowers and cupcakes,
while Steven Pooley and Riccardo
Eleonora had a gender reveal party before Catanese bought their female colleagues
she went on maternity leave, hosted by prosecco, chocolates and cupcakes.
colleagues past and present, and received The clients really appreciated the gesture
a baby hamper. Both mother and baby are and sent great feedback about the events.
doing well!
March 2019