Page 9 - The Standard - March 2019
P. 9

One  of the key areas of focus is reducing / eliminating
                 debtor balances and we need the help of those in the centres.

                                  Our efforts will focus on:
            Making  better  credit  decisions  Beginning  third-party  collection
            before we accept a new client or   efforts earlier when we understand
            customer.  This is difficult as so   that a client could become a credit
            many of our new clients are      issue.  Our collection agents tell us that
            small with  a limited  credit history   if we passed problem clients to them
            but we are looking at ways to    earlier, their collection efforts would
            reduce  problem  clients  before  almost certainly improve.  We need
            they  occupy  their  new  office.  our centre teams to monitor clients
                                             and alert their Area Director and
            Monitoring  and  improving  our  Bianca Salmon when concerns arise.
            communication  with  clients  so
            that we are working with them    Reviewing debtor aging  reports
            to  find  an  agreeable  solution  with GMs monthly to ensure we
            before  payment  issues  occur.  understand where they have problem
                                             accounts and what we can do to help.

                  Not everyone may know that there is a team which focuses
                  on potential problem  accounts and they can  be reached on
                  ‘’.  If you have any specific client concerns
                  and their ability to continue to settle their account as and when
                  due, please reach out to this team to begin the review process.

           March 2019
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