Page 2 - The Standard - January 2019
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Welcome to

          The Standard.

          you monthly

          business update.

          2019  activity has begun in earnest,   A greater focus on company values
          particularly with initiatives linked   Don’t forget to share your
          to  our  key  focuses  for  the  year   nominations for  employee  of  the
          ahead;                       month with the customer services
                                       team. The relaunched employee
          A fresh focus on people      of the month award criteria is
          The first candidate assessment   designed to identify colleagues
          centre has taken place, this is   who truly represent our company
          a principal step in refining our   values.
          recruitment process.
                                       I look forward to recognising
          A fresh approach to remuneration   and  celebrating  the  2018
          The  2019  appraisal  process  has   team  achievements  at  the
          been launched, I’m confident the   Intercontinental Hotel on Friday
          new  two-step  process  will  result   1st February, the Annual Awards
          in insightful annual reviews and a   Dinner promises to be a wonderful
          focus on objectives that are linked   evening.
          with the company goals.

          Jason Leek
          Chief Executive
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