Page 3 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 3

Key dates                                       Annual  Awards Dinner 2018

             Annual Awards Dinner
             1  February 2019

          Employee of the Month

          We are pleased to announce the relaunch   Working to ensure that all situations
          of the Employee of the Month award. We   encountered are resolved.
          would love to hear from you if you feel a
          colleague meets the following criteria and   Leaving a positive lasting impression with
          deserve to be recognised and celebrated:  clients, contractors and colleagues.

          Consistently  providing  friendly  and  Overall, constantly working with the LEO
          personable interaction. Striving to deliver   core objectives in mind, providing a high
          a 5* service.                      level of commitment.
          Taking ownership and responsibility for   Please  send  your  nominations  to
          the situations they are involved in. A winner will
                                             be announced each month going forward.
          Seeking out opportunities to assist   We look forward to receiving your
          someone without being asked to do so.  nominations!
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