Page 2 - The Standard - May 2019
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Welcome to
The Standard.
Your monthly
business update.
The ‘Clients for Life’ training I announced Learning and will join the Executive
last month is now well under way with Committee. Gary brings a wealth of
two groups having now completed directly relevant experience from
the course. The introduction of the service focused roles. The HR team will
programme marks the beginning of be further enhanced by the arrival of
a new approach to building lasting Nathalie Rafferty in the role of Learning
relationships with each and every one & Development Manager; both will
of our clients. Everyone in the business play a key part in transforming the
plays a part in this journey and many approach to Learning & Development
of you have ‘client retention’ as one of throughout the organisation.
your ‘KPIs’ (i.e. personal objectives).
From our initial contact, through to a We have selected a digital partner,
client joining the LEO business and then Nomensa, to deliver four key
our ongoing client relationships. All of enhancements to our current digital
these are crucial parts of the client offering. This includes a new brand
journey and everyone’s role in this is website, client portal, meeting room
hugely important to achieve our KPI of booking site and an app. Nomensa
increased client retention. specialise in user centric design and
have worked with clients including
In team news, I’m delighted to update Virgin Media, the Nationwide Building
on two new team members. Gary Society and The Met Office. The LEO
Acheson and Nathalie Rafferty will join group involved in working towards
the business on Monday 3 June. Gary the delivery of this project includes
will take up the role of Head of HR and members from across all departments.
Jason Leek
Chief Executive