Page 217 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 marker30. Current methods for water quality monitoring, actually monitor anything but the water – they are all concentrated on measuring different solutes in water. In contrast, Aquaphotomics approach offered a quick method for continuous screening of water, where even small disturbances are refected in the water absorbance spectral pattern and may serve as an indicator for the necessity of detailed conventional solute analysis (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Water quality charts30 based on Aquaphotomics approach for continues screening of water molecular system and water spectral pattern as an integrated marker of quality. The quality charts signal when the water quality signifcantly changes, and when more detailed solutes analysis is required.
Aquaphotomics also provided signifcant contribution to the feld of microbiology by providing fast and nondestructive analysis22,35 of bacteria growth. The example of such application was in growth monitoring of three different groups of bacteria strains: probiotic, non-probiotic and moderate22. This work improved understanding of the roles of specifc water molecular species for living processes - it has been discovered that strong probiotic bacteria have high number of less hydrogen bonded water species i.e. they act on water by promoting the power of solvation, thus helping in digestion.
The water status of foods is deeply related to their quality3. Aquaphotomics has been applied to understanding the role of water in food quality, for instance in the detection of surface damage in mushrooms 28,36, quality monitoring of milk 12,37–39, detection of honey adulteration 40 , monitoring of the cheese ripening 25, infuence of packaging materials on cheese and winter melon 26 and many more 29.

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