Page 27 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 27

Applied Arts

               Architecture                                       Computer Programming
               Grades 9-12                                        with Java
               Course Number 641
               Semester Course – 0.5 credit                       Grades 9-12
               Prerequisite:  None                                Course 636
               Estimated Fee:  $150.00                            Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Prerequisite:  Computer Programming with Visual
                 Education                                          BASIC
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  $15.00
               The architecture course gives students the         Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               opportunity to explore the field of

               Architecture. Students will learn concepts         In  Computer  Programming  with  Java
               related to Architectural design and the            students  learn  the  Java  programming
               profession. Students will also learn basic         language.  This is a hands-on course in which
               skills for the Revit Architectural Building
               Information Modeling application.                  students write computer programs in one of
                                                                  the most popular programming languages in
                                                                  the world.

               Computer Programming

               with Visual BASIC                                  Cybersecurity
               Grades 9-12                                        Grades 10-12
               Course Number 635                                  Course Number 690
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       Semester Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Mathematics 1                       Prerequisite:  None
               Estimated Fee:  $15.00                             Estimated Fee:  TBD
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                 Education                                          Education

               This  course  provides  the  student  with  an     Cybersecurity  introduces  the  tools  and
               opportunity to utilize the micro-computer in       concepts  of  cybersecurity  and  encourages
               the solution of both mathematical and non-         students to create solutions that allow people to
               mathematical  problems.    The  student  is        share  computing  resources  while protecting
               introduced to the computer language called         privacy.  Nationally,  computational  resources
               Visual BASIC and is taught how to program          are  vulnerable  and  frequently  attacked;  in
               in  this  object-oriented  language  in  order  to   Cybersecurity,  students  solve  problems  by
               communicate  with  a  micro-computer.    The       understanding      and     closing     these
               prerequisite,  Mathematics  1,  may  be  taken     vulnerabilities.  This  course  raises  students’
               concurrently.                                      knowledge  of  and  commitment  to  ethical
                                                                  computing  behavior.  It  also  aims  to  develop
                                                                  students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens,
                                                                  and employees who can effectively contribute
                                                                  to  communities  with  a  dependable  cyber-
                                                                  infrastructure  that  moves  and  processes
                                                                  information safely.

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