Page 28 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 28

Applied Arts

               Digital Media Production 1                         Entrepreneurship and
               Grades 9-12                                        E-Commerce
               Course Number 618
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       Grades 10-12
               Prerequisite:  None                                Course Number 616
               Estimated Fee:  $15.00                             Semester Course – 0.5 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Prerequisite:  None
                 Education                                        Estimated Fee:  $15.00
                                                                  Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               YouTube was one of the most visited Web               Education
               sites  in  2010,  but  Vimeo  made  Time           This  course  is  offered  to  give  students  the
               Magazine’s  list  of  top  ten  sites.    Creating   information  and  decision-making  skills
               video  is  an  essential  21   century  skill,  and   necessary to plan, start, and market a small
               Digital Media Production 1 is the class where      business and make it grow.  The course will
               students  will  learn  what  it  takes  to  make
               creative  and  professional-looking  videos.       incorporate   an   interactive,   real-world
                                                                  business  that  combines  entrepreneurship,
               Students will use video cameras to learn basic     marketing,  advertising,  E-commerce,  and
               camera  shots,  audio  and  green  screen          security.  This course will study changes in
               techniques.                                        the  economy  and  how  businesses  are
                                                                  responding, changing, and evolving.

               Digital Media Production 2
               Grades 9-12
               Course Number 619 or SP619                         Information Technology 1
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       Grades 9-12
               Prerequisite:  Digital Media Production 1          Course Number 632 or SP632
               Estimated Fee:  $25.00                             Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Prerequisite:  None
                 Education                                        Estimated Fee:  $15.00
                                                                  Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               The students who sign up for this course must        Education
               have  successfully  completed  Digital  Media
               Production 1.  The Digital Media Production        Information  Technology  1  students  will  be
               1 course gave students just a small glimpse        introduced to Microsoft Office Professional
               into  the  world  of  video  making.    In  this   2016.    This  course  is  designed  to  teach
               course, students will have the opportunity to      students  how  to  use  Word,  Excel,  Access,
               use their media skills and creativity to create    PowerPoint,  Movie  Maker,  Publisher,  and
               professional quality media.                        Google  Classroom.  Learn  how  to  design,
               This course is also offered as a self-paced        create,  present,  communicate  and  publish
               course.                                            with this latest software.
                                                                  This course is also offered as a self-paced

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