Page 12 - The Gospel Truth About Death and Dying_Neat
P. 12
He sees me as being in Christ, or not in Christ, and this is the way
he sees you too.
Even though we are told that God knows every hair on our head,
and he knows us all personally, in one way he only sees two
people being on earth, rather than almost 7 billion.
He sees:
(1) Those who are in Christ as being one person, and
(2) Those who are not in Christ as being another person.
And as was said, at death, we have two destinations to choose:
(1) heaven or
(2) hell.
If we’re in Christ, we choose to go to heaven.
If we’re not in Christ, we choose to go to hell.
But it’s totally our choice and our decision. Jesus says he will not
reject or turn away anyone who comes to him (John 6:37).
“We All Go to Heaven When We Die”
The above quote is a lie straight out of the pits of hell!
This is a lie that Satan wants people to believe because it
removes all responsibility from them, and makes them feel