Page 23 - The Gospel Truth About Death and Dying_Neat
P. 23
The Gospel Makes
Christianity Unique
Rules are formed by religion, or by theology, which are both the
thinking of man. Paul calls it ‘the wisdom of man.’ Denominations
all show the thinking of man.
The gospel is what makes Christianity unique. If you take the
gospel out of Christianity, you no longer have Christianity. You
only have a religion like all other religions in the world.
In many churches and denominations, this is what Christianity has
become: just another religion like all other religions.
The gospel is meant to transform our thinking (Rom 12:1-2).
The gospel is the language of God. This side of the cross, if we
don’t speak the gospel, we are talking a foreign language that
God may not even understand. Since the cross, and the gospel
his Son came to bring us, this is his language.
Thus he wants us all to ‘say the same thing’ as Paul says.
Paul says, “Though you have 10,000 instructors in Christ, you do
not have many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, I have BEGOTTEN you
through the gospel” (I Cor 4:15). So, according to him, we have
lots of preachers saying different things, but we have very few
whom he would label as ‘fathers of the gospel.’