Page 18 - The Gospel Truth About Death and Dying_Neat
P. 18

The gospel is so important to God that he even has his angels
               preach it from heaven to some folks on the earth (Rev 14:6).

                          Childlike Thinking Is Thinking

                                               Like ‘Daddy’

               We must learn to do is to think like God thinks! Isaiah 55:7-8

               says that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and that his
               thoughts are higher than our thoughts. But this does not mean we

               can’t think the way God does.

               The purpose of the GOSPEL is to straighten out our thinking, and

               to allow us to think like God thinks.

               Paul says God wants to renew our minds and transform our

               thoughts – so he can communicate with us better (Rom 12:2).

               God planned the deaths of both Moses, and Aaron (Moses’

               brother and high priest). You can read about it in Numbers

               20:25, and 31:6.

               Also, Psalm 116:15 says that our death is precious to God, as

               I mentioned He views death as something that is valuable and
               desirable. It gives me a great deal of comfort knowing how God

               thinks about dying and death.

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