Page 182 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 182

The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
                 by pretribulationists who see the one taken in Matthew 24 as
                 one taken for the gathering mentioned in Matthew 25, the
                  ultimate end of which is judgment. In other words, Matthew
                  24:40-41 is a preliminary phase to Matthew 25:31-46. Gun­
                  dry’s argument here is further complicated by the fact that he
                  wants unsaved people left to enter the Millennium, a concept
                  that many Scriptures seem to contradict."
                     When all the facts are put together, the posttribu-
                  lationists have not made a case. They have not proved that
                  the gathering of Matthew 24:31 includes either a resurrec­
                  tion or a translation, and they certainly have not proved
                  that Matthew 24:40-41 is parallel to the Rapture. Rather, it is
                  a time of judgment on those who are taken as unworthy of
                  entering the millennial kingdom.
                     If there is any doubt on the issue, it should be settled by
                  reference to Luke 17:34-37. There it is stated, “I tell you, on
                  that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and
                  the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one
                  will be taken and the other left.” Gundry found it convenient
                  to end the quotation at this point, but Luke went on to say in
                  verse 37, ‘“Where. Lord?' they asked. He replied, ‘Where
                  there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.’ ” Why did
                  Gundry' leave off verse 37? The obvious answer is that it con­
                  tradicts his whole argument. It states plainly that the ones
                  taken are killed, and their dead bodies are exposed to the
                 vultures. If there is any remaining doubt on the exposition of
                 Matthew 24:40-41, it is settled by' Luke 17:37. It may be con­
                 cluded that the desperate efforts of posttribulationists to find
                 an explicit reference to the Rapture in the sequence of the
                 second coming of Christ in Matthew 24 is not supported by
                 the text properly interpreted.
                           Is the Rapture in Matthew 25?
                    Most posttribulationists find it convenient to ignore Mat­
                 thew 25 with its account of the judgment of the nations be-
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