Page 187 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 187

The Rapture in the Gospels
   without any supporting evidence. The passage is not dealing
   with the question of Christ’s indwelling the believer but rather
   the believer being in the same place as Christ Himself, that is,
   in the Father’s house. This passage, taken literally, indicates
   that the believer is going to go to heaven at the time of Christ’s
   coming for Him. Gundry’s rather unusual interpretation,
   strained as it is, indicates how posttribulationists, even those
   given to literal interpretation, will spiritualize when the plain
   text contradicts their point of view.
      In examining the total evidence for the Rapture in the
   Gospels, posttribulationists attempt to insert a posttribu-
   lational Rapture in Matthew 13, 24, and 25, where no rapture
   is indicated; and at least some of them, like Gundry, attempt
   to evade the one clear passage in John 14:2-3 because it would
   seemingly contradict a posttribulational Rapture. It is not too
   much to say that the evidence in the Gospels is a lost cause for
   posttribulationism. When all the evidence is in, it does not
   support their point of view and illustrates their common prac­
   tice of avoiding details in any passage that contradict their
   explanation of it.

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