Page 188 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 188



       In contrast to the brief introduction of the Rapture
    in John 14:2-3, 1 Thessalonians, probably the first epistle
    that Paul wrote, contributes more to the doctrine of the
    Rapture than any other book of the New Testament. It is
    most significant that this truth is given such prominence in
    teaching a young church that is being introduced to basic
    truth. The Rapture is mentioned in one way or another
    in every chapter of this book (1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:13-18;
    5:1-11, 23).
       Because of the frequent reference and extensive revelation
    relating to the subject of the Rapture, most pretribulationists
    find basic proof for their position in 1 Thessalonians.
    By contrast, posttribulationists are faced with the problem of
    what to do with the evidence for the Rapture presented in this
    epistle. While posttribulationists like Gundry argue at length
    in attempting to relate the revelation of this epistle to post-
    tribulationism, most posttribulationists tend to ignore the de­
    tails given here. Obviously, if the Great Tribulation is going to
    precede the Rapture, it would be natural to state this in a book
    dedicated to the exposition of the doctrine of the Rapture. The
    problem for posttribulationists is that this book presents the
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