Page 178 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 178

The Rapture Question: Reviseel anti Enlarged Edition
                    While some expositors have found that the entire passage
                 deals with the end of the age, there is some indication that
                 Matthew 24:4-14 reveals the general signs leading up to
                 the second coming of Christ—signs that can be observed
                 throughout the entire age. Beginning with Matthew 24:15,
                 however, a specific sign is given, that is, the beginning of the
                 Great Tribulation, which, according to Daniel 7:25; 9:27;
                  12:11; and Revelation 13:5, will be a period of forty-two
                 months or three and one-half years. Details on the Great
                 Tribulation are provided later in Revelation 4—18.
                     In His discourse. Christ did not reveal a prctribulational
                  Rapture, and posttribulationists raise the question why this
                 important subject was omitted. The answer, of course, is that
                 up to this time the Rapture had not even been revealed, and
                  the subject matter did not concern itself with the Rapture. It is
                 not unusual in presenting prophetic events for only selected
                 events to be included. In the Old Testament, for instance, the
                 first and second comings of Christ are presented in such a way
                 that few, if any, of the Old Testament saints understood that
                 there would be a long period between the two events. The
                 questions the disciples raised did not relate to the Rapture but
                 rather to the specific signs leading up to the second coming of
                 Christ. At this point in their spiritual education the disciples
                 would not have understood the subject of the Rapture any
                 more than they understood the subject of the death and resur­
                 rection of Christ. Accordingly, pretribulationists believe that
                 the silence here is understandable. Most pretribulationists
                 agree that the Rapture is not mentioned in Matthew 24.
                    Posttribulationists, however, pose the question as to
                 where the Rapture should be placed in the sequence of events.
                 Gundr}’, for instance, asked, “Where in the Olivet Discourse
                 are we to place the rapture? There is no mention of a rapture
                 prior to the tribulation.”5 Pretribulationists agree that there is
                 no pretribulational Rapture mentioned in this passage. The real
                 question which challenges the posttribulationists is whether in
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