Page 173 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 173



       One of the problems that face both pretribulationism and
    posttribulationism is the fact that their point of view is an
    induction based on scriptural facts rather than an explicit
    statement of the Bible. Posttribulationists frequently challenge
    pretribulationists to produce one clear Scripture stating the
    prctribulational Rapture. In doing so, however, they are at­
    tempting to evade their own problem that they do not have an
    explicit statement of a posttribulational Rapture. The post-
    tribulationist’s problem is much more serious than the pre-
    tribulationist’s in his inability to produce an explicit Scrip­
       If the pretribulationists are right, the rapture of the
    church is the next event of major importance in prophecy and
    will take the church from the earth to heaven. Accordingly,
    the church is not involved in the events that follow, that is, the
    events of the Tribulation and especially the Great Tribulation
    preceding the second coming of Christ. Under these cir­
    cumstances it is not necessary to discuss the Rapture in rela­
    tion to these events.
       By contrast, however, the posttribulationists who assert
    that the church must go through the Tribulation face a major
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