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                 Men and women of PUB,

                 PUB exists for one purpose and one purpose only – to serve our customers.

                 We provide our customers with clean and wholesome drinking water; we take away their
                 used water; and we ensure that their homes and workplaces do not get inundated by the
                 heaviest of storms. And we are rewarded for doing this, either directly from the customer
                 in the form of tariffs or indirectly from general taxation.

                 Never forget that every person who lives in or visits Singapore is our customer, and that
                 PUB is the only one who he or she can turn to for water utility services. It matters not that
                 your everyday job is to interface directly with our customers, or that your responsibilities
                 lie unseen to the public eye but are nevertheless central to delivering the outcomes that
                 we have promised to our customers. Every one of us owes a duty of care to our customers.

                 Never forget that the customer is the reason why PUB exists, and that our customers are
                 the reason why you and I have our jobs. Indeed, our duty to the citizens and people of
                 Singapore is a grave and heavy one.

                 No customer calls us for fun. When a customer contacts PUB, he or she requires information
                 or practical assistance with a water issue. And it is incumbent upon us to provide this
                 assistance to the best of our ability. It is entirely in all of our interests to make our
                 customers as happy as we can. Because unhappy customers mean an underperforming

                 Delivering high-quality customer service is a skill. As such, it can be imparted, developed,
                 improved on, and then honed to perfection.

                 For this reason, the Singapore Water Academy and Corporate Development Department’s
                 Service Excellence team, with the help of the Civil  Service College, have created this
                 Customer Service Competency Framework that is customised to PUB’s needs. We have
                 done this with one aim in mind – to help you serve our customers better.

                 NG JOO HEE
                 Chief Executive
                 PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

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