Page 10 - CSCF Document
P. 10


             Organisational Service Competencies

                         Take               Officers with this competency see things from customers’ perspectives and
             01          Customer’s         understand their situation. At the higher levels, officers influence others to

                         Perspective to
                                            focus on the perspectives of customers and create solutions that impact
                         Resolve Issues     service at the systems level.

             02          Deliver Efficient   Officers  with  this  competency  have  a  good  understanding  of  processes
                                            and procedures (e.g. SOPs, KPIs) and drive necessary changes to improve
                         Operations         productivity and efficiency of service delivery. At the higher levels, officers
                                            scan the environment for preventive and pre-emptive solutions for service

                                            Officers  with  this  competency  display  professionalism  under  pressure,
             03          Build Emotional    applying strategies to reframe and disengage from unpleasant encounters.
                                            At the higher levels, officers actively put in place support mechanisms to
                                            help others build mental and emotional toughness.

             04          Serve with         Officers with this competency are able to firmly but tactfully stand their
                                            ground in the face of unreasonable requests and assertive customers. At
                                            the higher levels, officers act to safeguard the interests of PUB and our
                                            accountability to the public.

                                            Officers with this competency do not allow boundaries to limit their ability to
                         Work               solve problems for customers. They are able to work closely with fellow PUB
             05          Collaboratively    officers across different departments, and form networks across agencies

                                            to achieve shared goals and outcomes for customers. At the higher levels,
                         Stakeholders       officers build a collaborative culture where staff will see themselves as part
                                            of a larger service value chain.

                         Partner            Officers  with  this  competency  look  beyond  the  immediate  short  term
             06          Customers for      resolution of cases when they are serving customers. They act as a trusted
                                            partner,  helping  customers  choose  the  best  option  for  the  present  and
                         Longer Term
                         Interest           future. At the higher levels, officers galvanise partnerships to create long-
                                            term benefits for customers.

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