Page 2 - LuluSmile aligners - Clinician information
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L  U  L  U  S  M  I  L  E     C  L  E  A  R     D  E  N  T  A  L     A  L  I  G  N  E  R  S

              B A C K G R O U N D

              Oral health as defined by the World Health Organization is a state of being free from chronic
              mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral sores, birth defects such as cleft lip and
              palate, periodontal disease, tooth decay and tooth loss, and other diseases and disorders that
              affect the oral cavity. In South Africa; there is a growing number of people both young and old,
              suffering from oral diseases and other oral defects that affect dental structure and total oral
              With the growing number of people concerned about oral health, particularly driven by the
              growing cosmetic beauty market; dental repairs have become a need more than a luxury.
              However, currently the methods that are still being employed to fabricate solutions for dental
              defect treatment are still traditional and time-consuming. 

              Though there are a number of customers who want to bring a change in appearance through
              orthodontic, they are often reluctant to wear traditional braces as the braces do not have
              aesthetic qualities. They are also reluctant to wear such braces as the treatment takes several
              years. Thus, needs for transparent braces are gradually increasing. Also, technologies for
              transparent braces are being developed to meet the need. The market is growing as well.
              Modern dental medicine is increasingly being digitized, many doctors to replace the one that
              produced a model of the tooth are considering the use of oral within the digital scanning
              technology. Therefore, digital scanning technology is evolving, by being able to view the 3D
              model instantly through the scanning technique provides a better environment for the patient.
              Digital scan shows tremendous accuracy, which will lead to more satisfactory and suitable
              transparent braces to a patient.

              M A N U F A C T U R I N G   P R O C E S S   C O N S I S T S   O F :
                Establishing how many models are required to achieve the desired result.
                Printing these models on a 3D printer using dental specific material.
                Preparation of the models.
                The pressure forming of the aligners out of a certified bio-compatible polypropylene material.

                Preparing the material (cleaning, cutting, polishing)
                Checking fit and personalized case specific aspects.

              C A S E S   T H A T   C A N   B E   T R E A T E D   W I T H   C L E A R   A L I G N E R S
              Aligner systems treat simple, mild and moderate cases. These cases represent in excess of 50% of
              orthodontic problems or aesthetic demands by patients.
              Typical applications

                - Crowded teeth
                - Cross bites
                - Spaced teeth
                - Deep bites
                - Protrusions

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