Page 3 - LuluSmile aligners - Clinician information
P. 3

L  U  L  U  S  M  I  L  E     C  L  E  A  R     D  E  N  T  A  L     A  L  I  G  N  E  R  S

              W H A T   R E S U L T S   C A N   Y O U   E X P E C T ?

              In principle it is possible to shift a tooth up to 0.5mm with one aligner.
              Digital diagnosis will give a clear indication of how many aligners are required to achieve the
              desired goal

              iMed Tech recommends that patients visit their dentist or orthodontist after using 5 set of aligners,
              for assessment and treatment for confirmation of progress. To confirm progress, the dentist will
              take impressions of the patient's teeth and send it to LuluSmile to confirm that the patient is
              showing progress as per the treatment plan created.

             H O W   D O E S   T H E   P R O C E S S   W O R K ?
             Please see the flow chart included for the basic overall concept.

             The prospective patient should be examined and a diagnosis completed. Should you be uncertain
             about the suitability of the case, submit an impression, plaster model or intra-oral scan for
             assessment and digital interpretation. Our design center will return a report indicating suitability
             and a recommended case plan or will suggest that the case be referred to a specialist.

             Should the case be suitable, we require a prescription form and an impression (plaster model or
             intra-oral scan).

             A P P R O V A L
             Our design center will assess the case and return a case report to you detailing the movement
             required by each tooth and consequently the number of aligners required and expected duration
             of the treatment. Confirmation of the case report will be deemed to be approval to move to the
             production phase.

             Should you have any recommendations, please make them in writing on the case report form for
             implementation in the case design.

             Once we have approval from your clinic, we will proceed with manufacture.

             The aligner set will be personalized, packaged and sent to your clinic for the patient's next

              Y O U   A N D   Y O U R   P A T I E N T
              You are required to inform the patient of how the process works, and the necessity for him/her to
              comply with a stringent oral hygiene routine and to follow the patient guide to the last letter.

              It cannot be over emphasized that the success of the process is determined by the length of time
              that the aligners are worn whilst paying more than normal attention to oral hygiene.

              LuluSmile package will have sample products that the patient can use to clean the aligners and
              take care of the aligners. It is the patient's responsibility to purchase those products from
              recommended suppliers.

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