Page 6 - LuluSmile aligners - Clinician information
P. 6

L  U  L  U  S  M  I  L  E     C  L  E  A  R     D  E  N  T  A  L     A  L  I  G  N  E  R  S

              R E T A I N E R

              As with most orthodontic procedures; your patient will be required to wear a retainer after the
              treatment is complete. This will only have to be worn at night.

              When the aligner treatment is completed, it will be necessary to take a final impression and have
              a stronger - long term retainer manufactured. This will be done on the same principles as the
              aligners, but will be of thicker material which should last for at least a year.

              S O F T W A R E   G U I D A N C E
              What information can the design software provide me with?

               A collision report, highlighting areas where interproximal or occlusal collisions will take place. This
              will provide a guide to where IPR should be implemented.

              A degree of rotation report, showing how far rotation is needed to achieve the end goal.

              A T T A C H M E N T S
              Attachments may be required to achieve your goal.

              They will be recommended by the designing Technologist on a case by case basis and only
              applied where necessary.

              Where are attachments generally required?

              On intrusion, Extrusion, premolar and canine cases.

              The splint required for locating the attachments will be included in the patient's aligner box. It too
              will be located on a model.

              The attachment locators must be filled with UV curable acrylic, preferably white in color and
              placed in the patient's mouth. Make sure the aligner is properly seated and proceed to the curing
              phase. Once dry, remove the splint and inspect the quality of the attachment.

              W H A T   D O   W E   N E E D   F R O M   Y O U ?

              A highly quality single impression (due to long shipping distances a reliable impression like
              Impregum should be used and should be wrapped in wet tissue and shipped in a plastic bag to
              prevent shrinkage), intra-oral scan or dental model of the affected arch if issues of opposing
              occlusal collision are not expected. (Accuracy is of utmost importance).

              If in any doubt, please send upper and lower impressions, intra-oral scans or dental models.

              A completed prescription form with as much detail as possible.

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