Page 233 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 233
HT Silicone Coating Fuel Rail And Injector Cover Kit
Coating can be used directly on Covers wrap around fuel injectors and
surfaces or in combination with other fuel rails, refl ecting heat away for improved
products such as exhaust wrap. When performance, while helping prevent vapor lock
applied to exhaust manifolds, pipes or and heat soak. Injector covers also available
muffl ers, this coating helps maintain separately.
the integrity of the surface. Sold in 12 Part No. Description
oz. cans. DSN010378 Fuel Rail And Injector Cover Kit
DSN010380 Injector Covers, 2-Pack
Part No. Description
DSN010301 Black HT Silicone Coating Ground DSN010381 Injector Covers, 4-Pack
DSN010302 Aluminum HT Silicone Coating Shipment DSN010382 Injector Covers, 6-Pack
DSN010303 White HT Silicone Coating Only DSN010383 Injector Covers, 8-Pack
Versa-Shield DSN010402
Universal heat shield protects starters,
Turbo Shields carbs, fuel pumps and electrical com-
Turbo Shields act as a heat barrier, ponents from heat. Excellent for use on
lowering underhood heat, reducing cars, boats, RVs and trucks. Versa-Shield
turbo lag and increasing horse- is 7" x 24".
power. Shields are manufactured from
premium heat resistant textiles for
maximum effectiveness. Offered as a Fire Sleeve And Tape Kit
shield only or as a shield kit, complete Woven fi berglass braided sleeve
with shield, stainless steel ties and is coated with iron oxide silicone
fastening wire. Offered to fi t a variety of rubber that can withstand up to 500°F
different turbos. continuous and 2,000°F intermittent heat
for protection of wires, lines and hoses. Kits
Shield Shield Kit
Description Part No. Part No. include a 3' length of sleeve and a 1" wide x 16"
T-3 Turbine, B-W S300/Garrett GT35R/ length of self-bonding, self-curing fi re tape.
Turbonetics/Precision/TiAL DSN010140 DSN010141
Part No.
T-6 Turbine, Garrett GT42/GT45/GT47 DSN010146 DSN010147 DSN010470 Fire Sleeve And Tape Kit, 3/8" I.D. x 3'
Garrett GT22 DSN010161 DSN010162 DSN010472 Fire Sleeve And Tape Kit, 5/8" I.D. x 3'
Garrett GT 25/GT28 DSN010163 DSN010164 DSN010474 Fire Sleeve And Tape Kit, 1" I.D. x 3'
T-3 Ultra 47 DSN010172 DSN010174
T-4 Ultra 47 DSN010173 DSN010175
Fire Wrap 3000
The same material construc-
Protect-A-Boot tion as Fire Sleeve with the added
Protects straight or 90° spark plug feature of a hook and loop closure
boots and wires from extreme radiant that allows product to be installed
heat created by headers or exhaust or removed without the need for
manifolds, eliminating misfi re and pos- disconnection. Fire Wrap 3000
sible engine damage. Protect-A-Boot is also withstands up to 500°F of direct
offered in extended, 8" length, while Protect- heat and offers protection from dirt,
A-Boot Sleeve includes a larger ID to allow installation without grime and fl uids.
spark plug boot removal. Choose from silver, black, red, blue or Part No. Description
titanium. DSN010477 5/8" I.D. x 2' Long
Description Silver Black Red Blue Titanium DSN010478 1" I.D. x 2' Long
Pair DSN010501 DSN010511 — — DSN010541 DSN010479 1-1/2" I.D. x 2' Long
Set of 8 DSN010502 DSN010512 DSN010522 DSN010532 DSN010542
8" Long, Pair — — — — DSN010543 Heat Sheath
8" Long, Set of 8 — — — — DSN010544
Sleeve, Pair DSN010551 — — — — High temperature fi berglass
Sleeve, Set of 8 DSN010552 — — — — fabric is bonded to aluminized
material and sewn to form a
sleeve. Refl ects up to 90% of
radiant heat to protect fuel
EXO Series Protect-A-Boots lines, oil lines, wires, etc. from
EXO Series spark plug boots com- up to 500°F direct, continuous heat.
bine an outer exoskeleton stainless Part No. Description
mesh with an inner dual layer silica DSN010418 1/2" Dia. x 3'
boot to deliver extreme temperature DSN010403 3/4" Dia. x 3'
protection to spark plug boots and DSN010419 1" Dia. x 3'
wires. DSN010404 1-1/4" Dia. x 3'
DSN010420 1-1/2" Dia. x 3'
Part No. Description
DSN010086 8-Pack
DSN010087 4-Pack
DSN010088 2-Pack