Page 229 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 229
Double Layer Proban Driving Suits All-Star Nomex
Attractive driving suits incorporate modern Driving Gloves
european styling and high rise collar. Con- Constructed from two-layer Nomex,
structed using fi re resistant Proban with a All-Star Gloves are comfortable and
box quilt design, suits include straight leg fi re resistant. Pre-curved fi ngers with
cuffs with stirrups, back waist gussets, 180° outside seams increase sensitivity,
shoulder gussets and inset pockets. Meet while performance grip points at the
SFI 3.2A/5 specifi cations. Offered in one- or palms and fi ngers deliver increased
two-piece (jacket and pants) versions in red, grip. Offered in red, blue or black,
blue or black. gloves meet SFI 3.3/5 specifi cations.
Size Red Blue Black Size Red Blue Black
One-Piece Driving Suits Small CRW11802 CRW11803 CRW11804
Small CRW27002 CRW27003 CRW27004 Medium CRW11812 CRW11813 CRW11814
Medium CRW27012 CRW27013 CRW27014 Large CRW11822 CRW11823 CRW11824
Large CRW27022 CRW27023 CRW27024 X-Large CRW11832 CRW11833 CRW11834
X-Large CRW27032 CRW27033 CRW27034
XX-Large CRW27042 CRW27043 CRW27044 Standard Nomex Driving Gloves
XXX-Large — — CRW27054 Double-layer driving gloves are sewn with fi re
Two-Piece Driving Suits resistant Nomex thread and include extra padding
Small CRW28002 — CRW28004 in the palm and knuckle areas. Meet SFI 3.2A/5
Medium CRW28012 CRW28013 CRW28014 specifi cations. Offered in red, blue or black.
Large CRW28022 CRW28023 CRW28024 Size Red Blue Black
X-Large CRW28032 CRW28033 CRW28034 X-Small — CRW11693 CRW11694
XX-Large CRW28042 CRW28043 CRW28044 Small CRW11702 CRW11703 CRW11704
XXX-Large — — CRW28054 Medium CRW11712 CRW11713 CRW11714
Pants Large CRW11722 CRW11723 CRW11724
Small CRW29002 CRW29003 CRW29004 X-Large CRW11732 CRW11733 CRW11734
Medium CRW29012 CRW29013 CRW29014
Large CRW29022 CRW29023 CRW29024 Wings Long Gauntlet
X-Large CRW29032 CRW29033 CRW29034
XX-Large CRW29042 CRW29043 CRW29044 Nomex Driving Gloves
XXX-Large CRW29052 — CRW29054 Double layer driving gloves feature an extra long
gauntlet design for added forearm protection. Sewn
Single Layer Proban Driving Suits using Nomex thread, gloves include extra padding
Single layer suits incorporate attractive in the palm and knuckle areas. Meet SFI 3.2A/5
european styling and a high rise collar. Offered specifi cations. Offered in red, blue or black.
in one- or two-piece (jacket and pants) designs, Size Red Blue Black
suits feature straight legs with inside cuffs and Small CRW11752 CRW11753 —
inset pockets. Meet SFI 3.2A/1 specifi cations. Medium CRW11762 CRW11763 CRW11764
Offered in red, blue or black. Large — CRW11773 CRW11774
X-Large CRW11782 CRW11783 CRW11784
Size Red Blue Black
One-Piece Driving Suits
Small CRW24002 CRW24003 CRW24004 High Top Suede Driving Shoes
Medium CRW24012 CRW24013 CRW24014
Large CRW24022 CRW24023 CRW24024 High Top Driving Shoes feature attractive satin suede exterior
X-Large CRW24032 CRW24033 CRW24034 that combines with a fl ame-retardant interior. Meet SFI 3.3A/5
XX-Large CRW24042 CRW24043 CRW24044 specifi cations. Offered in black only.
XXX-Large CRW24052 CRW24053 CRW24054 Size Part No.
Two-Piece Driving Suits 7 CRW21700BK
Jacket 7-1/2 CRW21750BK
Small CRW25002 CRW25003 CRW25004 8 CRW21800BK
Medium CRW25012 CRW25013 CRW25014 8-1/2 CRW21850BK
Large CRW25022 CRW25023 CRW25024 9 CRW21900BK
X-Large CRW25032 CRW25033 CRW25034 9-1/2 CRW21950BK
XX-Large CRW25042 CRW25043 CRW25044 10 CRW21100BK
XXX-Large CRW25052 CRW25053 CRW25054 10-1/2 CRW21105BK
Pants 11 CRW21110BK
Small CRW26002 CRW26003 CRW26004 11-1/2 CRW21115BK
Medium CRW26012 CRW26013 CRW26014 12 CRW21120BK
Large CRW26022 CRW26023 CRW26024 12-1/2 CRW21125BK
X-Large CRW26032 CRW26033 CRW26034 13 CRW21130BK
XX-Large CRW26042 CRW26043 CRW26044
XXX-Large CRW26052 CRW26053 CRW26054