Page 252 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 252
XPO Synthetic Racing Oil XP6 Synthetic Racing Oil
JGP00406 JGP01006
Ultra-low viscosity synthetic oil is formulated A full synthetic, 15W-50 version of race proven
for qualifying, where maximum performance is XP4. Oil provides outstanding cold start protection
required. Oil has a viscosity typical of SAE 0W. Sold and superior bearing oil fi lm thickness. Designed
in one quart bottles or 2.5 gallon jugs. for aluminum blocks or applications with looser
clearances, oil has a viscosity typical of SAE
15W-50. Sold in one quart bottles.
XP1 Synthetic Racing Oil
JGP00006 XP7 Semi-Synthetic Racing Oil
XP1 Synthetic Racing Oil has a viscosity typical of JGP01706
SAE 5W-20. Ideal for engines where bearing clear- Combines the performance of XP3 with the
ance is less than .0025”. Sold in one quart bottles. economical price of XP5. Viscosity is typical of
SAE 15W-40. Sold in one quart bottles.
XP2 Synthetic Racing Oil XP8 Petroleum Racing Oil
JGP00206 JGP01906
Driven XP2 Synthetic Racing Oil has a viscosity of High zinc, petroleum formula racing oil offers low
SAE 0W-20 and is engineered for high RPM racing cost protection in a non-synthetic oil. Recom-
engines with bearing clearances under .002”. Sold mended for small block, fl at tappet engines and
in one quart bottles. nitrous engines with clearances less than .0027”.
Viscosity is typical of 5W-30. Sold in one quart
XP3 Synthetic Racing Oil
JGP00306 XP9 Synthetic Racing Oil
Similar to XP1 with a higher viscosity, typical of JGP03206
SAE 10W-30, for improved high temperature/high XP9 offers high temperature, high shear protec-
shear protection. Formulated for aluminum blocks tion to high compression, wet sump applications,
and all engines with bearing clearances greater and is compatible with methanol and high octane
than .0025". racing fuels. Formulated with anti-wear and fric-
tion reducing additives. Viscosity is typical of
SAE 10W-40. Sold in one quart bottles.
XP4 Petroleum Racing Oil
JGP00506 XP10 Synthetic Racing Oil
Petroleum-based lubricant is a low cost alterna- JGP03306
tive to synthetic race oils. Viscosity is typical of Engineered for wet sump racing engines with
SAE 15W-50 and is ideal for racers who change tight oil clearances, XP10 delivers increased high
oil after every race. Works well in engines with temperature and high shear protection. Formulat-
clearances in excess of .0025”. Sold in one quart ed with friction reducing and proprietary anti-wear
bottles. additives. Viscosity is typical of SAE 0W-10. Sold in
one quart bottles.
SR50 Conventional Racing Oil
XP5 Semi-Synthetic Racing Oil JGP05206
JGP00906 Conventional, petroleum-based lubricant is
A semi-synthetic lubricant offers the added ben- engineered to provide maximum protection at an
efi ts of high temperature shear protection and oxi- economical price. Competition-proven oil utilizes
a proprietary anti-wear and friction-reducing
dation stability without the high cost of a synthetic. additive package for superior engine protection.
Viscosity is typical of SAE 20W-50.
Lubricant has the viscosity of SAE 15W-50. Sold
in one quart bottles.