Page 254 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 254

Cooling System Protector JGP50030                 Race Wax JGP50060
           Inpurities in well water can cause rust and cor-   Cleans and shines paint, plastic, chrome, tires and
          rosion inside the radiator, block, water pump and   vinyl, leaving a smooth, glossy fi nish. Race Wax can
          cylinder heads which can lead to a loss of cool-  provide a brilliant shine in a matter of minutes with-
          ing effi ciency. Cooling System Protector stops the   out damaging paint, windows, chrome or decals. Sold
          adverse effects of hard water on these critical   in a 24 oz. spray bottle.
          components. Sold in a 12 oz. bottle.
                                                            Automotive Degreaser/
          Carb Defender Race Concentrate                    Brake And Parts Cleaner
          JGP70044                                            Cleans and degreases engines, compo-
           Specially designed for competition engines that   nents and shop equipment. Cleaner dries
          utilize E85, methanol or oxygenated racing fuels,   quickly and leaves no residue. Sold in 18 oz.
          fuel additive neutralizes the corrosive effects of   aerosol cans.
          these popular fuels. Prevents damage and perfor-     Part No.     Description
          mance loss created by ethanol and methanol, while    JGP50010   Automotive Degreaser
          cleaning the entire fuel system. Multifunctional     JGP50020  Brake And Parts Cleaner
          lubricant also eliminates the need for a “top lube”.
          One 6 oz. bottle treats up to 55 gallons of fuel.

          Cam Bearings                                      Cam Bearing Chart
           Dura-Bond Cam Bearings are offered in standard or oversizes   Application  Standard Perf.  High Perf.  Hi-Perf. Coated
          for installation in new aftermarket or used engine blocks. Bear-  American Motors
          ings eliminate problems with stock cam bearings spinning in the   1966-91 290-401  DURN-9  —  —
          bores. American-made bearings withstand high valve spring pres-  Chevrolet  DURCH-8  DURCHP-8  DURCHP-8T
                                                               SB Chevy, 1964-99 283-400
          sures and have the excellent surface characteristics of babbit.   SB Chevy, 1955-63 265-327  DURCH-4  DURCHP-4  —
          Use Standard Performance cam bearing sets with hydraulic and   SB Chevy “Bowtie” Block  —  DURGMP-8  DURGMP-8T
          solid lifter cams. High Performance sets are ideal for roller cams   SB Chevy “Bowtie” Block, 55mm Cam   —  DURGMP-55  DURGMP-55T
          with higher lift and spring loads. Some bearings are available   SB Chevy, Brodix Alum. Block  DURCH-5-3  DURCHP-5-3  —
          with fl uoropolymer composite coating for increased oil reten-  SB Chevy, Dart “Little M”  —  DURGMP-1  DURGMP-1T
                                                                  GM “Rocket” Block
          tion and decreased friction. Some bearings listed are available   BB Chevy, 1965-66 396  DURCH-9A  —  —
          in .010", .020", .030" and .040" oversizes. Specify size when   BB Chevy, 1967-99 396-454  DURCH-12  DURCHP-12  DURCHP-12T
          ordering.                                          BB Chevy, World Prod. “Merlin” Block  —  DURGMP-12  DURGMP-12T
                                                                   GM LS 1998-06   DURCH-10*  DURCHP-10*  DURCHP-10T*
                                                               4.8/5.3/5.7/6.0L, 1st Design
          Engine Hardware Finishing Kits                     GM LS 2003-09 4.8/5.3/5.7/6.0/6.2L,
           Standard kits include cylinder           DURFKC-1        2nd Design     DURCH-23*  DURCHP-23*  DURCHP-23T*
          head, timing cover and oil pump                    Chrysler
          dowels, cam bolts, and three                         SB Chrysler, 1962-79 273-360  DURPD-16  DURPDP-16  DURPDP-16T
                                                               SB Chrysler, 1980-99 318-360
          Woodruff keys for the crankshaft.                    BB Chrysler, 1957-79 383-440  DURPD-17  DURPDP-17  DURPDP-17T
          High Performance kits includes                     Ford
          all of the components in the stan-                   SB Ford, 1962-99 221-351W  DURF-18  DURFP-18  DURFP-18T
          dard kit, plus camshaft locking plate, oil          SB Ford “SVO” Block, R302/S302  —  DUR351HP  DUR351HPT
                                                                  SB Ford 302R/351R
          fi lter adapter bolts and transmission dowels.       Ford, 1970-82 351C, 351M-400  DURF-26  DUR351RHP  DURFP-26T
          Items vary from engine to engine.
                                                                Ford 4.6L DOHC, 1993-96  DURFA-4  —    —
                                            Standard   High     BB Ford, 1968-98 429-460  DURF-30  DURFP-30  DURFP-30T
                                             OEM  Performance  BB Ford, “FE” 1958-76 352-428 Exc.
                       Description          Part No.  Part No.     1966-68 427      DURF-33  DURFP-33  DURFP-33T
            SB Chevy 283, 327, 350, 400, Without Seal Housing  DURFKC-1 DURFKC-1HP  BB Ford, 1966-68 427 “FE”  DURF-24  —  —
               SB Chevy 350, 400, With Factor Roller Cam  DURFKC-1A  —  Oldsmobile
                      GM LS, ‘98-00        DURFKC-6B  —          Olds, 1964-76 260-455  DURO-6  —      —
                      GM LS, ‘01-13        DURFKC-7B  —      Pontiac
                     BB Chevy 396-454       DURFKC-3 DURFKC-3HP
           SB Chrysler 318-360, Carbureted/EFI, Includes Roller Block DURFKP-1  —  Pontiac, 1963-79 326-455  DURP-4  DURPP-4  DURPP-4T
                     BB Chrysler 383-440    DURFKP-2 DURFKP-2HP  * GM LS engines used two different sized cam bearings. The first design
             SB Ford 289, 302, 351W, Late Model Carbureted*  DURFKF-1  —  is for housing bores that are 2.326"-2.328" in positions #1 thru #5; the
              SB Ford 302, 351W, EFI, Includes Roller Block*  DURFKF-1A  —  second design is for housing bores that are 2.346"-2.348" in positions #1
                   BB Ford 460, Carbureted*  DURFKF-3  —    thru #5.
                      BB Ford 460, EFI     DURFKF-3A  —
                    BB Ford 332-428 “FE”    DURFKF-2  —
                   Pontiac 265-455, 1955-81  DURFKC-4  —
          * Includes cam eccentric
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