Page 37 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 37
Electrical Outlets Quick Connect Battery Charging Posts
Universal outlets provide remote Two-piece, color-coded connectors make safe, out-of-car con-
110V connection when power- nection to battery charger quick and easy. Female ends have 1/2"-
ing block heaters, tank heaters or ALL76436 20 threaded studs that connect to battery cables and pass through
other accessories mounted in a race a 5/8" hole in a panel up to 1/8" thick. Male ends of connectors
car. Outlets accept standard three prong extension cords fit on battery charger cables. Shafts are tapered for tight, secure
and mount directly into decking or to a chassis mounted bracket. connections.
ALL76432 and ALL76436 outlet kits are prewired with 5 feet of 14 Part No. Description
AWG wiring. ALL76300 Red
Part No. Description ALL76310 Black
ALL76430 Outlet ALL76301 Red Female Connector Only
ALL76432 Outlet w/Wiring ALL76302 Red Male Connector Only
ALL76434 Covered Outlet ALL76311 Black Female Connector Only
ALL76436 Covered Outlet w/Wiring ALL76432 ALL76312 Black Male Connector Only
Brackets For Battery Charging Posts
Mount remote charging posts through a
Electrical Outlet And Quick Disconnect body panel for access to battery terminals
Steel bracket mounts to ALL60352 ALL60353 and quick, easy, battery charging. Posts
the chassis providing a have 3/8" studs and have color coded caps for
single convenient loca- safety. Posts require a 1.25" mounting hole.
tion to plug in an electrical
Part No.
outlet and a battery quick ALL76139 Kit (1 Red And 1 Black)
disconnect (ALL76320). ALL76140 Red Post Only
Part No. Description ALL76141 Black Post Only
ALL60352 Weld-On Bracket Electrical
ALL60353 Bolt-On Bracket
Sold Separately
Charging Post Bracket
Battery ALL60064
Quick Disconnects Securely mount Allstar charging posts on vehicles
Disconnects provide a connec- where battery is not easily accessible. Pre-drilled holes allow
tion for battery charging, or for quick mounting to frame or body. Double-D hole design positions
quick battery changes during a posts close together, but provides enough room for charging or
race. Prevent accidental reverse jumper cable clamps. Charging posts sold separately. (ALL76140
polarity. Choose from 50 or 175 and ALL76141).
amp ratings. Sold in pairs and include cable terminals.
Part No. Description GM Single Wire
ALL76320 50 Amp Gray Disconnects, 1-Pair Alternators
ALL76322 175 Amp Red Disconnects, 1-Pair
Completely remanufactured GM
Replacement Parts Delco single wire alternators are easily
hooked-up. Housings are natural finish
Part No. Description
ALL76321 6 Gauge Terminals For ALL76320, 1-Pair aluminum. Choose from 63 or 80 amp
ALL76323 2 Gauge Terminals For ALL76322, 1-Pair capacities.
Part No. Description
Bracket For ALL80500 63 Amp,Full Size, 10.3 Lbs.
Quick Disconnects ALL80501 80 Amp,Compact Size, 9 Lbs.
Steel bracket mounts GM Single Wire
battery disconnect Chrome Alternator ALL80505
(ALL76320) to the bend Chrome finish, single wire GM alterna-
on the underside of deck tor with aluminum housing has a 100
panels found on late amp capacity.
models and modifieds.
Billet Aluminum
Quick Disconnect Covers Alternator Bracket ALL80510
Covers install over the end of the Brilliantly polished aluminum alterna-
quick disconnects to help prevent dirt and debris from tor bracket mounts on the driver side of
entering the connections. Covers have a built in lanyard to keep the small block Chevy and rigidly mounts
cover close to connector and for easy assembly. any GM Delco style alternator. Includes
Part No. Description rod end tensioner bracket and all
ALL76324 Cover For 50-Amp Quick Disconnect fasteners. Attractive enough for a show
ALL76325 Cover For 175-Amp Quick Disconnect car; rugged enough for a race car.