Page 501 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 501
High Performance Electric Fans Frame Rail PRM1004
Powerful electric fans are capable Transmission Coolers
of moving up to twice the air of most Compact and easy to mount, cool-
competitive models. Fans incorporate ers are ideal for applications with limited
low RPM, high torque motors with dual mounting options. Coolers use high flow, 1/2" tubes
ball bearing armature supports for an and feature -6AN male fittings. Sold complete with necessary
extended life and lightweight aluminum mounting hardware. Braided stainless steel hose not included.
blades. Fan assemblies may be used as Part No. Description
primary cooling units and may be set-up PRM1000 Frame Rail Transmission Cooler, 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 15"
in push or pull configuration. PRM1004 Frame Rail Transmission Cooler, 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 24"
Amp Required
Part No. Description Output Draw Mounting Area Thin Line Transmission Coolers
PRM19112 12" Electric Fan 3,300 CFM 10.0 12-1/2" x 12-1/2" x 3-3/4"
PRM19113 13" Electric Fan 3,000 CFM 10.5 14" x 14" x 3-3/4" Lightweight and compact, Thin
PRM19114 14" Electric Fan 2,950 CFM 11.0 14" x 14" x 3-3/4" Line coolers utilize 1/2" alumi- PRM1012
PRM19115 16" Electric Fan 2,950 CFM 11.0 16" x 16" x 3-3/4" num tubes and Turbulator cooling
PRM19117 18" Electric Fan 2,900 CFM 10.5 17-3/4" x 17-3/4" x 3-3/4" fins that improve performance and
extend transmission life. Trans
Turbo Flex Cooler Systems include 11/32"
Standard Electric Fans multi-barb male fittings, transmis-
Straight blade, low profile fans are mounted sion fluid hose and necessary hardware,
within a shroud assembly and are perfect for while Trans Coil Only packages include
limited space or auxiliary cooling use. Fans may coolers with -6AN male fittings for use with
be mounted on either side of the radiator and braided stainless steel hose (hose not included).
set-up in push or pull configuration. Trans Cooler System Trans Coil Only
(11/32" Barb Fittings) (-6AN Male Fittings)
Amp Description Dimensions Part No. Part No.
Part No. Description Output Draw Dimensions 12,000-14,000
PRM19128 8" Electric Fan 2,400 CFM 4.0 8" x 10" x 2-1/2" GVW Trans Cooler 3/4" W x 5" H x 12-1/2" L — PRM1020
PRM19120 10" Electric Fan 2,350 CFM 4.7 11" x 10" x 2-1/2" 14,000-16,000
PRM19122 12" Electric Fan 2,300 CFM 8.0 13-3/4" x 12-1/2" x 2-1/2" GVW Trans Cooler 3/4" W x 5" H x 15-1/2" L. PRM1011 PRM1021
PRM19124 14" Electric Fan 2,450 CFM 9.8 15-1/2" x 14" x 3-3/4"
PRM19126 16" Electric Fan 2,350 CFM 11.0 17" x 16" x 3-3/4" 16,000-18,000 3/4" W x 7-1/2" H x PRM1012 —
GVW Trans Cooler 12-1/2" L
18,000-20,000 3/4" W x 7-1/2" H x
Electric Fan GVW Trans Cooler 15-1/2" L — PRM1023
Adjustable Wiring Systems 22,000-24,000 3/4" W x 10" H x 15-1/2" L — PRM1024
GVW Trans Cooler
Kits include all of the
components necessary for a Maxi-Cool Junior Transmission Coolers
single fan installation. Includes
170°-210°F adjustable thermal Heavy duty, Maxi-Cool
switch module, pre-wired mod- Junior Transmission
ule wiring harness, fuse block Coolers combine high
power taps, in-line fuse holder efficiency oil coolers with
and complete instructions. a built-in 10" diameter
electric fan for continu-
Part No. Description
PRM18905 Adjustable Wiring System, Probe Type Thermal Sensor ous cooling to automatic
PRM18907 Adjustable Wiring System, Threaded Thermal Sensor transmissions. Turbulator
heat sink inserts in 1/2"
Electric Fan Wiring Systems aluminum tubes with 3/4" aluminum fins help provide maximum
Wiring systems for use with electric cooling efficiency. Coolers include -6AN male fittings.
fans utilize thermal switches for Part No. Description Dimensions
fully automatic, single fan operation. PRM13215 6-Pass Cooler/Electric Fan Module, 3" x 7-1/2" x 12-1/2"
2,400 CFM
Includes 185°F automatic thermal 8-Pass Cooler/Electric Fan Module,
switch, insulated wire, wire connec- PRM13511 2,350 CFM 3" x 10" x 12-1/2"
tors, fuse block power taps, fuse
holder and complete instructions.
Part No. Description
PRM19001 Wiring System, Includes Thermal Switch And Tie Wrap Mount
PRM19007 Wiring System, Includes Threaded 1/2" NPT Thermal Switch
Transmission Cooler
Mounting Systems
Inline Thermoswitch PRM18899
Allows activating an electric fan without Part No. Description
the need for an additional relay. Activates PRM104 Heavy Duty Mounting System, Includes (2) Heavy Duty Steel 6"
Brackets And Mounting Hardware
fan at 185° and shuts-off fan at 160°F. Universal Mounting System, Includes (4) Nylon Tie Mounts With
Designed for use with -6AN male fittings, PRM105 Protective Foam Pads
switch includes an easy, two-wire hook-up.