Page 498 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 498

A Product Line of Taylor Cable Products, Inc.
          Adjust-A-Jet Metering Block                       Seal-4-Good And XX Carbon
          PYS15001                                          Exhaust Header Gaskets
           Perform fuel meter-                                Percy's offers two types of exhaust header gaskets that include
          ing changes without fuel                          innovative materials designed to put an end to performance
          bowl removal. Designed                            inhibiting exhaust leaks. Manufactured from proprietary 100%
          specifically for Holley                            carbon material, XX Carbon gaskets have the ability to withstand
          carburetors, Adjust-A-                            prolonged exposure to over 2,000°F, while Seal-4-Good gaskets
          Jet installs between the                          are constructed from dead soft aluminum and will not blow out or
          metering block and the fuel                       burn out.
          bowl. Special needle valve
          ranges from jet sizes 0 to
          over 100 for gasoline applications. Kit, engineered for popular
          2300/3310/4150/4160/4150HP gasoline carburetors, is sold com-  PYS66011             PYS68011
          plete with necessary hardware and complete instructions. Fuel                    Seal-4-Good  XX Carbon
          line must be extended for proper installation.                Description         Part No.  Part No.
              Part No.               Description                  SB Chevy 265-400, Round 1.5" Port  PYS66011  PYS68011
          Related/Replacement Components                           SB Chevy 265-400, Square 1.5"  PYS66012  PYS68012
             PYS15009        Fuel Pick-Up Extensions, Adjust-A-Jet, Pair
             PYS15010           Reusable Gaskets, Adjust-A-Jet  SB Chevy 265-400, Brodix Alum., 1.75" x 1.2"  —  PYS68023
                                                                    SB Chevy 265-400, Stock   —      PYS68027
                                                                      SB Chevy 350 Vortec     —      PYS68021
          Vibe-Lock                                               SB Chevy 350 LT1, D-Port 1.375"  PYS66031  PYS68031
           Patent-pending, Vibration Proof Lock Fasteners com-    SB Chevy 5.7L LS1, Round 1.625"  PYS66032  PYS68032
          bine a patented locking washer and clip that locks the   BB Chevy 396-502, Square 2.125"  PYS66013  —
          bolt in place, preventing loosening caused by extreme   BB Chevy 396-502, Round 1.875"  PYS66019  PYS68019
          vibration. Offered in stainless or black oxide.         BB Chevy 396-454, Stock Square  PYS66124  —
                                            Stainless  Black       BB Chevy 396-502, Round 2.15"  PYS66125  PYS68025
                       Description           Part No.  Part No.
                                                                 SB Chrysler 273-360, Rect. 1" x 1.625"  PYS66037  —
             SB Chevy/BB Chrysler/AMC, 3/8"-16 x 3/4", 12 Pcs.  PYS310014 PYS310020  Chrysler 5.7L Hemi  —  PYS68075
           BB Chevy/SB Ford/BB Ford/Cadillac, 3/8"-16 x 3/4", 16 Pcs. PYS310015 PYS310021
                                                                BB Chrysler 383-440, Square 1.5" x 1.8"  PYS66036  PYS68036
             SB Chevy/BB Chrysler/AMC, 3/8"-16 x 1", 12 Pcs.  PYS310000 PYS310007
                                                                 SB Ford 221-302, Rect. 1.625" x 1.25"  PYS66014  PYS68014
           BB Chevy/SB Ford/BB Ford/Cadillac, 3/8"-16 x 1", 16 Pcs.  PYS310001 PYS310008  SB Ford 221-302, Oval 1.5" x 1.125"  PYS66018  PYS68018
                 SB Chrysler, 5/16"-18 x 3/4", 12 Pcs.  —  PYS310049
                                                                 Ford 4.6/5.4L 2-Valve, Round 1.625"  PYS66033  PYS68033
                 SB Chrysler, 5/16"-18 x 1", 12 Pcs.  PYS310026  —  Ford 4.6 4-Valve, Oval 1.125" x 2.125"  PYS66034  —
             GM LS Gen. III/IV, 8mm-1.25mm x 25mm, 12 Pcs.  PYS310058 PYS310068
                                                                    Ford 4.6/5.4L, 3-Valve OEM  —    PYS68081
                Ford 4.6L-5.4L/GM 8.1L/Cadillac, 16 Pcs.  —  PYS310070
                                                              Ford Modular Coyote 5.0L, 2011-Up, 1.905" Dia.  PYS66090  PYS68090
                                                                    Ford 351C 2BBL, 351M-400  PYS66051  —
                                                                    Ford 351C 4BBL, 302 Boss  PYS66052  —
          T.P.E. Tire Pressure Equalizer                             BB Ford “FE” 352-390   PYS66053  PYS68053
          PYS01004                                               BB Ford 429-460, Oval 1.25" x 2.125"  PYS66035  —
           Specialized T.P.E. allows equalizing                     BB Ford 429-460 Cobra Jet  PYS66054  PYS68054
          two tire pressures simultaneously for in-                 Oldsmobile 260-455, Stock   —    PYS68039
          creased traction and consistency. Large,                Pontiac 326-455, D-Port 1.5" x 2"  —  PYS68041
          easy-to-read 0-30 PSI gauge is sold
          with high pressure, 1/4" I.D. hose with           Collector Gaskets
          compressed air fittings and self-locking
          air chucks for single person usage.

          U-Joint Saver PYS01001
           Stretches over U-joint caps after driveshaft
          removal, preventing loss of caps and needle
                                                                           PYS66001         PYS68001
                                                                                           Seal-4-Good  XX Carbon
          WheelRite PYS01201                                            Description         Part No.  Part No.
           Innovative tool determines wheel                       3-Bolt Collector, 2-1/2" Bolt Circle  PYS66001  PYS68001
          and tire fitment simply and accu-                         3-Bolt Collector, 3" Bolt Circle  PYS66002  PYS68002
          rately, putting an end to costly tire                   3-Bolt Collector, 3-1/2" Bolt Circle  PYS66003  PYS68003
          or wheel returns. Specialized tool
          simulates bolt pattern, wheel diam-
          eter, wheel width, back spacing and tire
          profile fitment. Compatible with 4- or 5-lug
          bolt patterns and 15"-30" wheel diameters.

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