Page 493 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 493

12-Circuit Pro-Street                              4-, 6-, And 8-Switch, Self-Contained Fused
                 Fuse Block PWI50101                                Control Centers
                  For race cars that may see
                 occasional street duty. Features
                 include a 10 gauge lead-in wire
                 for powering up circuits, fuses,
                 flashers, horn relay, fusible link,
                 terminals, labels, an anti-theft
                 feature and instructions.
                                                                    PWI50301                                 PWI50303
                 Fused Circuits For:
                     Electric Fuel Pump  Electric Water Pump  Dome Light  Standard Features:
                       Electric Fan       Wipers        Instruments                   Heavy-duty,   Switch functions are screen
                       Turn Signals       Horn          Brake Lights  Complete with   non-reflective,   printed for quick visual refer-
                        Radio            Headlights   Emergency Flashers  18' wiring harness  lightweight metal housing  ence
                                                                                                       Circuits are
                                                                      Easy-to-follow   Factory terminated, fully insu-
                 8-Circuit Drag Race Wiring Kit                     instructions included lated terminals resist vibration  individually fused with
                 PWI50005                                                                         automotive blade-type fuses
                                                                                   GM color-coded, high
                                                                                                      Color-coded rocker
                                                                      Input wire is 10
                  Complete drag race wiring                         gauge, Output wire is  temperature wire is rated at  switches light up when pushed
                 kit includes an 8-circuit fuse                        14 gauge       600 volts        (except start)
                 block with fuses and relays,
                 and a pre-wired 6-switch                                   Part No.       PWI50301  PWI50302  PWI50303
                 contour rocker panel. Black                                 Height          3"       3"       3"
                 painted and silkscreened                                    Width          5-3/4"   8-1/4"  10-3/4"
                 panel is 8" wide x 3" tall                                  Depth          3-1/8"   3-1/8"   3-1/8"
                 and has switches for start, ignition, electric fuel pump, electric   No. Of Switches  4  6    8
                 water pump, electric cooling fan, headlights/taillights and two ac-  Switch Functions:
                 cessory relays. Kit also includes parts kit with 70 amp Maxi fuse   Start   X        X        X
                 with holder, 40 amp circuit breaker, connectors, rubber grommets   Ignition  X       X        X
                 and complete instructions.                              Water Pump/Fan**    —        X        —
                                                                           Water Pump        —        —        X
                 8-Circuit Extreme Condition Wiring Harness                Electric Fan      —        —        X
                 PWI50001                                                  Fuel Pump 1*      —        X        X
                  Harness is protected                                     Fuel Pump 2*      —        —        X
                 by fuses and has 30                                         Lights          —        —        X
                 amp relays for reliability.                               Accessory         X        —        —
                 Large, color-coded elec-                                  Accessory*        X        X        X
                 trical wire and fuse block                                Accessory*        —        X        —
                 are factory terminated.                            * For safety, these switches are only powered when ignition is on.
                 Assembly includes 18' of                           **Three position switch: Water Pump/Off/Water Pump and Fan.
                 wire per circuit, terminals,
                 wire ties, rubber grommet, fusible link and instructions. Use with   Vertical/Horizontal 6-Switch
                 non-fused 8-switch rocker panel listed below.
                                                                    Dragster Control Center PWI50506
                  Fused Circuits For:
                                                                     Painless 6-Switch vertical/horizontal control
                          Start           Ignition      Lights      center is the perfect solution in tight spaces
                     Electric Water Pump  Electric Fan  Accessories  like dragster cockpits. Wafer-thin, 1-1/2"
                     Electric Fuel Pump 1  Electric Fuel Pump 2     wide self-con tained center mounts in
                                                                    just about any position to provide quick,
                                                                    unobstructed access.
                                                                    Fused Circuits For:
                                                                           Start           Water Pump     Fuel Pump
                                                                           Ignition        Accessory      Accessory
                                                                    Standard Features:
                                                                                                       Switch Functions Are
                                                                          Complete    Fuses, Wire Ties, Grommets   Screen Printed For
                  Part No.                Description                 With 18' Wiring Harness  And Instructions Are Included
                                                                                                       Quick Visual Reference
                  PWI50202   8-Switch Non-Fused Self Contained Panel, Roll Bar Mount   Factory Terminated, Fully   Color-Coded Rocker
                                                                    Input Wire Is 10 Gauge, Output   Insulated Terminals Resist  Switches Light Up When
                 4-Circuit Fuse Center PWI30002                         Wire Is 14 Gauge    Vibration  Pushed (Except Start)
                  4-circuit fuse center is an easy-to-               Heavy-Duty, Non-Reflective,
                 assemble kit ideal for add-on acces-                Lightweight Metal Housing
                 sories like electric fans or fuel pumps.
                 Fuse center is 2" high, 3-1/2" wide
                 and 1" deep and includes terminals.
                 Fuses are not included.

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