Page 495 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 495
Push Button Switch Quick Connect Terminal Kits
PWI80503 Make quick connect plugs
Momentary start switch with rubber quickly and easily. Ideal for use
button cover. with gauge panels, ignition boxes,
etc. Each kit includes a male
and female connector and the
Heavy Duty Toggle Switches appropriate number of terminals.
Sealed 20 amp switches with rugged, direct Accepts 14-20 gauge wire only.
mount terminals are built to military speci- Part No. Description
fi cations. Optional aircraft switch cover PWI40006 2-Wire Kit
prevents accidental activation. PWI40007 3-Wire Kit
Part No. Description PWI40008 4-Wire Kit
PWI80502 Off/On, Single Pole/Single Throw PWI40009 6-Wire Kit
PWI80514 On/Off/On, Double Pole/Double Throw PWI40010 9-Wire Kit
PWI80520 Waterproof Switch Boot, Shaft Mounted, Toggles With 15/32" Threads
PWI80521 Aircraft Switch Cover Extreme Conditions Wire Stock
PWI80534 On/Off/On, Double Pole/Double Throw, Waterproof
Stranded, real copper wire includes cross-linked polyethylene
Indicator/Warning Light Assemblies insulation for exceptional resistance to abrasion. Sold in 25' or 50'
Light assemblies may be used as indicator or
warning lights. Part No. Wire Size Color Length
PWI70690 8 ga. Red 25 ft.
5/16" O.D. 1/2" O.D. PWI70700 10 ga. Red 25 ft.
Color Part No. Part No. PWI70701 10 ga. Black 25 ft.
Amber PWI80203 PWI80208 PWI70800 14 ga. Red 50 ft. PWI70690
Red PWI80204 PWI80209 PWI70801 14 ga. Black 50 ft.
Green PWI80205 PWI80210 PWI70802 14 ga. Orange 50 ft.
Blue PWI80206 PWI80211 PWI70803 14 ga. Yellow 50 ft.
PWI70804 14 ga. Green 50 ft.
Racing Safety Charge PWI70805 14 ga. Blue 50 ft.
Wire Kit PWI30711 PWI70806 14 ga. White 50 ft.
Kit eliminates engine run-on PWI70807 14 ga. Brown 50 ft.
50 ft.
14 ga.
when master disconnect is shut-off. PWI70812 14 ga. Purple 50 ft.
Includes 25' of gauge 8 wire and PWI70817 14 ga. Blue/Yellow 50 ft.
proper terminals to connect alterna-
tor charge wire to battery side of Powerbraid Wire Wrap
master disconnect.
Laterally split Powerbraid Wire
Wrap encloses wires without tape
Universal Grommet Kit PWI71901 or fasteners to clean up and protect
Install grommets where wiring harnesses. Offered in black
wires, cables or gauge only.
lines run through fi rewall Part No. Description
or panels. Kit includes (2) PWI70901 1/4" Dia. x 20'
1/2” ID x 13/16” OD, (1) 1”, PWI70902 1/2" Dia. x 10'
(2) 5/16” and (2) 1/2” ID x PWI70903 3/4" Dia. x 6'
1-1/2” OD. PWI70904 2" Dia. x 4'