Page 494 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 494

Rocker Switch Panel With Circuit Breakers         Relay Block Kits
          PWI50305                                            Ideal for powering fuel pumps,
           Drag race, six switch panel                      water pumps, fans, etc. 3-pack
          is better than ever with circuit                  kit includes one 50 amp circuit
          breakers in place of standard                     breaker; 6-pack includes two.
          fuses. If a circuit blows, it can                    Part No.               Description
          be quickly reset at the touch of                     PWI30107              3-Pack Relay Bank
          a fi nger. Panel also has color-                      PWI30108              6-Pack Relay Bank
          coded, lighted rocker switches,   PWI50305
          high grade TXL wire, vibration
          resistant terminals and a glare resistant black fi nish. Includes   Universal Fuel Pump
          switches for start, ignition, fuel pump, water pump/fan and two   Relay Kit PWI50102
          accessories.                                        Electric fuel pumps need high amper-
                                                            age which may damage the electrical
                                                            sys tem. Avoid problems with the relay
          Non-Fused Rocker Switch Panels                    kit which includes 6' power wire, 30
           Heavy duty, Non-                                 amp circuit breaker and re lay, 15'
          Fused Rocker Switch                               output wire, terminal ends and instructions.
          Panels combine
          reliability and conve-
          nience. Pre-assembled                             Fan-Thom Electric Fan Relay Kits
          with non-refl ective,                                The Fan-Thom re-
          black fi nished light-                             lay kit will protect
          weight metal housings,                            the electric fan and
          color-coded lighted rocker switches, vibration resistant terminals   the electrical sys-
          and 18’ of high grade TXL wire.                   tem. Kit includes
            Part No.               Description              a 30 amp circuit
            PWI50404    4-Switch Panel, Controls Start, Ignition & (2) Accessories  breaker, heavy
                    6-Switch Panel, Controls Start, Ignition, Fuel Pump, Water Pump/Fan &   PWI30102
            PWI50406                                        duty relay, wiring
                                   (2) Accessories
                                                            harness and terminals. The Fan-Thom relay is also available with
                                                            a choice of pre-set thermostatic switches to activate the electric
                                                            fan automatically.
          Mustang Switch Panels                                 Part No.               Description
           A line of panels engi-                              PWI30101               Fan Relay Kit
          neered specifi cally for                              PWI30102   Fan Relay Kit With 200° On/185° Off Thermostatic Activation
          5.0L Mustangs. Panels                                PWI30103   Fan Relay Kit With 185° On/170° Off Thermostatic Activation
          fi t into the original
          radio/stereo location
          and contain high qual-                            Electric Water Pump Relay PWI50106
          ity switches and high                               Relay supplies
          temperature TXL wire.                             maximum bat-
          Choose traditional toggle switches with corresponding colored   tery voltage to the
          LED's or lighted rocker switches.                 electric pump and
            Part No.               Description              protects the main
                           1979-86 Mustang Rocker Switch Panel,   electrical system
           PWI50210    (6) On/Off Switches, (1) Lighted Momentary Switch And   from overloads.
                             (1) Unlighted Momentary Switch
                           1987-93 Mustang Toggle Switch Panel,
                       (6) Toggle Switches, (1) Momentary And (1) On/Off Switch  GM LS Coil Harness Extension Kits
                                                              Coil harness
                                                            extension kits allow
          Master Disconnect Switch                          relocating the igni-
          With Mounting Panel                               tion coils off of the
                                                            valve covers and to
          PWI50710                                          the fi rewall. Har-
           Mandated by NHRA to deactivate the               ness includes OEM color-coded wires and weatherproof connec-
          electrical system in the event of a crash,        tors. Includes (1) left and (1) right side pigtail.
          fi re or on-track mishap. Switch is rated              Part No.               Description
          at 175 amps continuous duty and 800                  PWI60128            36” Coil Harness Extension
          amps intermittent duty. Sold complete                PWI60129            48” Coil Harness Extension
          with mounting panel.

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