Page 522 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 522
Mini Alternators Digital Mini Shift Light And
Ideally suited to the racer desiring a lightweight, Diagnostic Tachometer
reliable single-wire alternator. Mini, 96mm PFM67007C
alternators weigh just 6 lbs. and offer 50 amps of Digital Mini Shift Light aids per-
charging. Manufactured from 100% all-new com- forming timely, consistent shifts by
ponents. Sold complete with V-belt pulley.
illuminating at a pre-set RPM. Compact
Part No. Description unit is just 4-1/4" long and may be adjusted from 100-12,000
PFM66432 Mini Alternator, Black Crinkle Finish RPM in 100 RPM increments. May be quickly removed from mount
PFM66433 Mini Alternator, Polished Finish
and set on dashboard, allowing RPM’s to be viewed during engine
Chevrolet High Torque Mini Starters
100% new starters are offset for oil pan
clearance and may be rotated for header Adjustable RPM Shift Lights
or oil pan clearance. High torque motors Get the desired shift points without a
deliver 40-50% more cranking power than tachometer or RPM modules. May be set
stock starters. Features include 3.75:1 gear from 3,000 to 12,000 RPM.
reduction, full ball bearing construction and Black Silver
shims to set pinion gear engagement (when Description Part No. Part No.
necessary). Adjustable RPM Shift Light PFM67005C PFM67005SC
Part No. Description
PFM66256 Chevy Starter, 153/168T Flywheel, 1.4 KW, Up To 11:1 Comp. Locking Transmission Dipsticks
PFM66258 Chevy Starter, 153/168T Flywheel, 2.0 KW, Up To 15:1 Comp. Mandated by NHRA on any car quicker
Chevy Starter, 168T Flywheel, Staggered Bolt Pattern,
PFM66266 than 10.99 E.T., dipstick
1.4 KW, Up To 11:1 Comp. assemblies include a
Chevy Starter, 168T Flywheel, Staggered Bolt Pattern,
PFM66267 locking design to prevent fl uid from blowing out of dipstick tube.
2.2 KW, Up To 15:1 Comp.
Chevy Starter, 168T Flywheel, Staggered Bolt Pattern, Offered with gold iridite or chrome plated fi nish.
1.4 KW, Up To 10:1 Comp. Gold Chrome
Description Part No. Part No.
Chevrolet High-Compression GM TH-350 PFM66181 PFM66175
GM TH-400
Racing Starters
For engines with large displacement or high Perfect Launch Aluminum Rear End Covers
compression ratios. Gear reduction start- Reinforced aluminum rear end covers in-
ers have 100% new components. 4.4:1 ratio corporate special load bolts to stabilize the
is capable of cranking engines with up to 18:1 carrier bearing caps during launch, helping
compression ratios. to eliminate failure and prolong differential
Part No. Description life. Black painted covers feature both fi ll
PFM67050 Chevrolet, 168-Tooth Flywheel/Flexplate and drain plugs, and are sold complete with
PFM67051 Chevrolet, 153-Tooth Flywheel/Flexplate required fasteners. Choose from covers with
PFM67052 Chevrolet, 168-Tooth Flywheel/Flexplate, Staggered Mt.
Perfect Launch or Bowtie logo.
Perfect Launch Logo Bowtie Logo
Description Part No. Part No.
Dana 60 PFM69504 —
Ford 8.8” PFM69501 —
GM 7.5” 10-Bolt PFM66667 PFM141-695
Chrysler High Torque Starters GM 8.5” 10-Bolt PFM66668 PFM141-696
Lightweight, high torque starters fi t all GM 8-7/8” 12-Bolt PFM69502 PFM141-697
Chrysler V6 and V8. Choose from standard
or offi cially licensed Mopar units. Perfect Launch
Drag Racing Practice Tree
Part No. Description
PFM440-415 Officially Licensed Starter, 4.41:1 Ratio, 11:1 Max. Compression PFM67025C
PFM66269 Chrysler Starter, 4.41:1 Ratio, 11:1 Max. Compression
Practice reaction times anywhere with
Ford High Torque Starters pocket-sized Perfect Launch. Powered by
High torque, gear reduction design start- a 9-volt battery, hand held unit includes a
ers are lightweight and compact, yet offer remote thumb trigger, .400 and .500-sec-
ond pro and full trees, adjustable delay,
40-50% more cranking power than OEM bump down and roll out.
units. Offset design offers increased oil pan
clearance and rotating design allows for
added chassis or header clearance. Starters
are 100% new, not rebuilt.
Part No. Description
PFM66275 Ford Starter, 221-351W, 429-460, Auto Trans., 2.2 KW, Up To 15:1 Comp.
Ford Starter, 221-351W, 429-460, Manual Trans., 2.2 KW,
Up To 15:1 Comp.