Page 524 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 524
Mini Valve Spring Testers 9" Degree Wheel PFM66791
Mini testers allow checking valve springs Degree camshafts, check camshaft
in a vise or arbor press. Digital model, which timing and fi nd TDC effectively. Includes
swivels 90° for eased viewing, displays spring instructions for use.
pressure in 2 lb. increments with peak hold and Part No. Description
backlighting. Related Components
Part No. Description PFM66838 Cam Checker Tool, Installs Into Lifter Bore
PFM66834 0-700 PSI Valve Spring Tester When Degreeing Camshaft, GM/Ford
PFM66835 0-300 PSI Valve Spring Tester
PFM66836 0-700 PSI Digital Valve Spring Tester
Universal Cam Checker Tool
Heavy Duty
Tool slides down into the lifter
Valve Spring Compressor bore, increasing the accuracy and
Heavy duty, precision bench top tool effi ciency of the camshaft degree-
allows accurately measuring valve spring ing process. Includes followers for
height and pressure. Tool may be bench or fl at and roller tappet cams.
vise mounted and has the ability to check
springs up to 2" diameter and 4" height.
Part No. Description Camshaft Installation Handles
PFM66774 Spring Tester, Up To 300 Lbs. Spring Pressure
PFM66775 Spring Tester, Up To 700 Lbs. Spring Pressure Handles attach directly to camshaft, easing installation
or removal.
Part No. Description
PFM66897 Camshaft Installation Handle, Chevy V-8’s, Exc. Hyd. Roller
Valve Spring Height Micrometer PFM66898 Camshaft Installation Handle, Universal Model
Measure valve spring height accurately on an
assembled engine. Install the micrometer in place
of valve spring and rotate the tool until the valve, Top Dead Center Locator PFM66792
retainer and locks are tight.
Screws into the spark plug hole, providing a positive
Part No. Description stop for the piston when determining true top dead
Valve Spring Height Micrometer,
PFM66902 center. Fits most engines using 14mm spark plugs
1.600"-2.100" Installed Height
Valve Spring Height Micrometer, except Chrysler.
1.400"-1.800" Installed Height
Valve Spring Height Micrometer, 1.600”-
2.100” Installed Height, For Beehive Springs
Engine Rotator PFM66782
Bolts directly to harmonic balancer for
easy crankshaft rotation during engine
Pushrod Length Checker assembly. Fits Chevy or Ford V8.
Determine proper pushrod length quickly
and effectively on Chevy engines.
Part No. Description
PFM66789 SB Chevy, 3/8" Studs Crankshaft Turning Sockets
PFM66790 SB Chevy, 7/16" Studs Aluminum socket slips over crankshaft
PFM66806 BB Chevy, 7/16” Studs
snout, allowing easy engine rotation during
assembly. Use with a 1/2" drive ratchet or
breaker bar.
Rocker Stud Remover Part No. Description
And Tap Alignment Kit PFM66783 PFM66899 BB Chevy PFM66900
Tool allows effectively removing OEM press- PFM66900 SB Ford, Buick, Pontiac
SB Chevy
in rocker studs from popular Chevy engines.
Harmonic Balancer
Rocker Stud Boss Cutter Installation Tools
PFM67568 Allows proper harmonic
Cutting tool is often required balancer installation. Tools
when converting from press-in to available for most domestic V8. PFM66519
screw-in rocker studs. Tool, which Part No. Description
features carbide steel blades, allows machining away the rocker PFM66514 Harmonic Balancer Installer/Puller, Chrysler/Ford/GM
stud bosses prior to tapping the head for screw-in studs. PFM66515 Harmonic Balancer Installation Tool, Most Domestic V8
PFM66519 Harmonic Balancer Installation Tool, GM LS Series
Harmonic Balancer Installation Tool, Includes (12) Adapters To Fit Most
Engines And Carrying Case NEW!